On Novemeber 2, 2004 the Democrats lost, and as a result all Americans lost big. Once again the Lone Star Thugs put on an all out offensive to win: rules be damned. While talking with a friend who grew up in Texas and moved to California a few years ago he stated that Texans will do whatever it takes to win. To a Texan, he says, it's not about ethics or fairplay, it's about winning. In other words a Texan will destroy America if it means he gets to seize control of power from his oponnent. That sort of ethos is exactly what we have seen every election since Texan Karl Rove began his political hackery.
The Democratic party has made the mistake of trying to maintain ethical political procedures within their party while dealing with a ruthless and uncaring Republican party bent on the extinction of it's opposition. It is a mistake that was right to make, but must not be made again. It is imperative that the Democrats stop fighting this battle ethically, and start fighting it like a dirty unethical Texan politician. It is only after we win back a majority that we can put rules in place that prevent this era in American history from ever being repeated. This is war and we've yet to mount an offense to compliment our defense.
The Path To WinWe must accomplish three changes in order to win. First we must change the leadership of the Democratic party from ethical apeasers, to a down and dirty fighter. Second we must demand accountability for voting machines, and be willing to hit the streets if we don't get it. Third we must knock on doors, distribute pamphlets, and inform the public of the lies of conservative owned media.
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