In the shadow of a bruising presidential campaign marked by suspicions of another stolen election and the further erosion of Democrats' power in Congress, party leaders appear to be united as never before against the man they believe is the greatest threat to restoring their prominence on the American political scene--Howard Dean.
Forget issues of an amoral, illegal, war costing tens of thousands of lives and crippling our economy. Forget the proposed dismantling of Social Security, the looming reversal of Roe v. Wade, environmental backsliding and failed and under-funded education policies.
Forget George W. Bush, the artificial architect of all the above.
In his drive to become chairman of the National Democratic Committee, Howard Dean, our hoopin' and hollerin' former governor, strikes more fear in the hearts of the party faithful than Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rove combined.
Dean's straightforward, progressive ideals include an unwavering opposition to the war in Iraq long before Senate Democrats, with 20-20 hindsight, began hammering Condi Rice at her confirmation hearings. Our former governor also has had the liberal temerity to say that American won't always have the strongest military, and--hold on to your hats-- that we shouldn't judge Osama bin Laden until he has a trial. Party old-timers fear such brash statements will run counter to America's new moral code. But what is more moral than wanting to save the lives of U.S. soldiers, and preserve retirement benefits for future generations, and a woman's right to choose?