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Bush Portrays Iraq Vote as Step in a Global March to Freedom

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rodeodance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 05:19 AM
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Bush Portrays Iraq Vote as Step in a Global March to Freedom
January 27, 2005

Bush Portrays Iraq Vote as Step in a Global March to Freedom


WASHINGTON, Jan. 26 - President Bush said Wednesday that the elections this weekend in Iraq would be "a grand moment in Iraqi history" that he described as part of a global march toward freedom. Yet he acknowledged that Iraqis themselves had not yet taken the initiative in defending their country and might doubt Washington's will to prevail against the insurgency.......

"The story today is going to be very discouraging to the American people," Mr. Bush said. "I understand that. We value life. And we weep and mourn when soldiers lose their life. But it is the long-term objective that is vital, and that is to spread freedom. Otherwise, the Middle East will continue to be a caldron of resentment and hate, a recruiting ground for those who have this vision of the world that is the exact opposite of ours.".........

Asked whether that meant he would make advances in personal liberty the main measure of relations with nations like Russia, China or Saudi Arabia, Mr. Bush stopped short of saying he would put the leaders of those nations on notice that freedom would be the main measure of their relationship with Washington.

"I don't think foreign policy is an either/or proposition," Mr. Bush said in answer to a question about how a country's progress in advancing freedom might be balanced against other American interests, such as securing China's aid in disarming North Korea. "I think it is possible, when you're a nation like the United States, to be able to achieve both objectives." He said, for example, that he would work with China on the "practical objective" of getting North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons even while pressing Beijing to allow free speech and democracy to flower.......

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illflem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 05:42 AM
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1. Wonder if the USSR communists were preaching
the same to their masses after each invasion?
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izzie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 06:47 AM
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2. Does the WH get any news papers?
Do they ever get on the INTERNET? Where are these people?
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PROUDNWLIBERAL Donating Member (220 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 07:59 AM
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3. Saddam Wins In Write-In Vote
Wouldn't that be a kicker for Bushs' New Democratic Order!
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shantipriya Donating Member (367 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 09:50 AM
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4. March to freedom
What the hell does he mean by Global March to Freedom?Does he really understand any of what he is talking(or repeating)about.
What a MORON!!!!
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