It would seem the state of the realpolitik is not the same as the "recorded history" we learn/absorb.
You have to see "Power of Nightmares" _and_ the "Rise of the Religious Right" -- a history about the fantasy of a bogeyman that is actually not history ... has it online and there are files out there in P2P land in a variety of formats including VCD (which can be donwloaded, burned, and played in most DVD players). I took the 3 VCD parts and made a single DVD version so I'm sure other people have done it too. has the Rise of the Religious Right.
Realpolitik meet Realhistorik ;)
Maybe the bogeyman is soooo paper-thin that the struggle is "just" choosing "scissors" instead of "rock"?
And they even have a "manual" it turns out! I'd like to think that something they hold dear, like their tenet to literally puff up their threat to make their oppoonents afraid to do anything.
I don't know about you, but even one of them huge galapagos geckos (gilla monsters?) with their weird-scary looking hissy fits, is still just a hissy fit to an intelligent, aware being... like the Crocodile Hunter! ;) Or anyone who can step back from the emotional fear that a huge hissing reptile would cause just about anyone! (except that _other_ crocodile hunter fellow!;)) Step back and say, duh, I'm real smart and that's just an animal -- a nasty animal -- but if you study it you can figure out how to catch it...The response regular people have been having to "Power of Nightmares" is pretty staggering. I mean I've got a metal hat, and we are here in DU so my view on it is pretty focused ... but regular folks who see this documentary really can see the man-behind-the-curtain! The most startlingly simple bit that most people comment on is how they're using the _exact same_ playbook as they did in the 70s! "Exact" is what people have said, picking their jaw up off the floor as they realize how transparent the play actually is.
There's been quite a bit of BLUSTERING lately from la main droit... maybe their shell game is starting to look shell-thin?? :)
Remember history is not always as it seems
p.s. I'll leave you with some of their actual "codes" -- run it pass your own litmus test compared to what the ** has been doing and see how well they match up to your own recollection of events and stratergeries(tm)!
First: Strauss believed that a leader had to perpetually deceive the citizens he ruled.
Secondly: Those who lead must understand there is no morality, there is only the right of the superior to rule the inferior.
Thirdly: According to Drury, Religion “is the glue that holds society together.”<40> It is a handle by which the ruler can manipulate the masses. Any religion will do. Strauss is indifferent to them all.
Fourthly: “Secular society…is the worst possible thing,” because it leads to individualism, liberalism, and relativism, all of which encourage dissent and rebellion. As Drury sums it up: “You want a crowd that you can manipulate like putty.”<41>
Fifthly: “Strauss thinks that a political order can be stable only if it is united by an external threat; and following Machiavelli, he maintains that if no external threat exists, then one has to be manufactured.”<42>
Sixthly: “In Strauss’s view, the trouble with liberal society is that it dispenses with noble lies and pious frauds. It tries to found society on secular rational foundations.”