From the Bull Moose blog...
The Moose celebrates the fighting spirit of the Democratic Party. After November's demoralizing loss, the donkey has bounced back with a renewed spirit of opposition to the Bushies.
But outrage alone is insufficient. As the Moose has pointed out previously, Democrats will have to eventually offer a reform alternative on a range of issues to become truly a Party that has a chance to regain power.
The Moose has also observed a certain cannibalistic tendency emerging on the left that is attempting to purge fellow Democrats who don't follow the party line. The latest example is the suggestion on some prominent lefty blogs to run a primary opponent against Senator Lieberman to punish him for his support for Rice's nomination and the war.
Here's some breaking news for the lefty Democrats - you should be adding to your numbers rather than decreasing them. Democrats must be about the politics of addition rather than subtraction. Democrats do not enjoy the luxury of driving centrists and even conservatives from their ranks.
It is fine for Democrats to take a path that makes them feel warm inside and enables them to vent their frustration at the Bushies. It is entirely another matter to become effective. When Democrats either nominate a Chairman or take a position they should ask themselves "WWRW" - What Would Rove Want. Far more than most D's, the Moose understands the cunning and deviousness of the adversary. Don't make things easier for them.