Musharraf's clandestine co-operation with the USA against Iran started in February, 2002. In return, the USA did not act against him for the complicity of his ISI in the kidnapping and murder of Daniel Pearl...
"Pakistani sources claim that while Musharraf may be inclined to allow the relaying of clandestine broadcasts and telecasts from Pakistani territory, he is against re-activating the Iranian Balochis which could boomerang on Pakistan's Balochistan and shifting the MEK dregs to Balochistan. The Bush Administration is expected to dangle before him the lollipop of another debt write-off and F-16 aircraft if he went the whole hog in becoming the USA's covert frontline ally against Iran.
<snip> finds:
•Pakistan clandestinely helping Iran before 2002 in its efforts to acquire a clandestine military nuclear capability in return for Iranian funding of its own military nuclear programme.
•Since February, 2002, Pakistan has been clandestinely collaborating with the USA in its efforts to destroy Iran's nuclear capability through a joint operation to be mounted by the US and Israel with intelligence supplied by Pakistan.
•Pakistan clandestinely helping Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda and the International Islamic Front (IIF) and the Taliban in acquiring a capability for terrorism for using them against India before 9/11.
•After 9/11, it has been openly and clandestinely helping the USA in its operations against them in return for handsome economic and military packages.
•Clandestinely helping the survivors of these organisations to re-organise their capability for continued use against India.
•Clandestinely helping the Saddam Hussein regime in transfering the evidence of its WMD programmes to Pakistan for safe custody.
•Clandestinely co-operating with the USA for strengthening its puppet Alawi regime in Baghdad and for mobilising the Iraqi diaspora in other countries to register themselves as Iraqis and participate in absentee ballotting in support of Alawi in order to get him a respectable total just it had mobilised the Pashtun votes on both sides of the Pakistan-Afghanistan border in support of Hamid Karzai in return for a US $ 1.3 billion military package from the US.
All this may sound unbelievably perfidious. But, that is Musharraf in a nutshell for you, Mr Hersh. That is how he has survived and prospered throughout his career. He is now ostensibly co-operating with the US against Al Qaeda. Don't be surprised if he is clandestinely helping Al Qaeda against the US in Iraq in return for its promise to later get J&K for him.
B. Raman is Additional Secretary (retd), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India,New Delhi, and, presently, Director, Institute for Topical Studies, Chennai, and, Distinguished Fellow and Convenor, Observer Research Foundation (ORF), Chennai Chapter. Raman is addressing gaps in the Seymour Hersh article THE COMING WARS