"…a virtuoso performance" & "…standing ovation from a rapt audience" "& "cerebral, wry and humorous" & "personal and emotional"
http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/asection/la-fg-clinton27jan28,1,5562869.story?coll=la-news-a_section THE WORLD
At Davos Forum, Every Topic Is Fair Game for Bill Clinton
Ex-president says why he likes Bush but not his policies, urges restraint in dealing with Iran and cautions against a hasty withdrawal from Iraq.
By Sebastian Rotella
Times Staff Writer
January 28, 2005
DAVOS, Switzerland — Clinton's focus during meetings here was on AIDS, poverty and Africa, issues on which he and his nonprofit foundation concentrate. But the evening conversation with talk show host Charlie Rose showcased Clinton's intellect, eloquence and occasional slipperiness on an array of issues. His long legs crossed at the ankles, he riffed like a jazz musician, sliding easily among topics and moods, alternately cerebral, wry and humorous.<snip>
"I don't agree with the administration's policy on the budget, on the environment and a whole host of other issues and I have articulated them," Clinton said. But he added: "I do confess, I like President Bush personally. He's different from me in a lot of ways" — there was laughter from the audience — "I mean psychologically. But we grew up in the same part of the world and I get him."
<snip>He called Iran a far more formidable foe than Saddam Hussein's Iraq and a "perplexing" country split between "two governments": a hard-core minority that controls security forces and a reformist, pro-Western majority. A hasty and bloody military strike might alienate that majority, he said.
"We ought not to do any
until we have exhausted all reasonable diplomatic efforts," Clinton said, describing the main danger of a nuclear Iran as the potential transfer of nuclear materials to terrorists.
"Deterrence still works, just like it did between us and the Soviet Union. So if Iran had a nuclear weapon, the main thing it would do is cast a pall over the Middle East. But they'd have to think a long time before they used it, because they'd be toast if they used it."<snip>
a news release:
"DAVOS, Switzerland, January 27, 2005 ? Former President Bill Clinton said today that he is organizing a major annual gathering of leaders to address global challenges, with the first meeting set to take place this fall in New York City. The inaugural Clinton Global Initiative will take place in September, coinciding with the 60th session of the United Nations General Assembly. It will bring together innovative and accomplished people from the political, business, academic and non-governmental organization (NGO) communities. Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland today, President Clinton said that they are 'going to be asked to participate in very specific decisions…and then making commitments to do something about it.'"