I was looking at different Iraqi blogs to get some of their perspectives regarding their voting. They are all pretty much the same. They are like us . . . what is it going to mean? Well, I think we know the winner is going to be whomever Bush/Cheney Inc. has in there already.
The Gold Star Families were used by the Republicans a couple of years ago in an attempt to try to make Hillary Clinton look bad. Some of you may remember the email that went out everywhere that said they The Gold Star Families had made an appointment with Mrs. Clinton (after she first became a Senator) and
Mrs. Clinton "supposedly" refused to meet with them or was conveniently out of her office. Then the Gold Star Families placed on their own website how that was not true what the Republicans were saying. How they had not made an appointment officially and that Mrs. Clinton was out of town. Hillary was also very gracious and apologized for missing them and then set up an appointment.
Well, read below how Dumsfield has been treating the families of those that have lost their lives.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
The Dangerous Gold Star Families
This was written by Cindy Sheehan:
Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld continues to astound us Gold Star Families with his heartlessness, callousness and disrespect in the faces of our children who are being killed in the mindless invasion and occupation of Iraq.
read the rest of this outrage here...