Ramsey Clark upholds integrity of liberty
I read Charles Bondy's Jan. 23 letter on Ramsey Clark's offer of representation for Saddam Hussein. Sounds like he would prefer Hussein find justice the same way Mussolini did. I'm sure others would agree. That, however, is not our way.
Our nation was founded on the principle of law. Providing counsel and trial for even the worst of criminals has its origin in the very foundation of our Constitution. Hermann Goering and his Nazi brethren, the greatest evil the world has ever seen, had lawyers and began trials for war crimes only six months after Germany fell.
Hussein has been locked away for over a year, without visitation or representation and without trial. While I'm sure this brings no tears to Bondy's eyes nor most others, this is not representative of our great system of government.
If we are to be the light and beacon of liberty to the world that the president spoke to in his inaugural, then let us demonstrate the integrity of that conviction without duplicity. Thomas Paine said, "He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."