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FoxNews Puts Me In Its Crosshairs (RW "attacks", professor speaks out)

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Monkie Donating Member (675 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-02-05 05:16 PM
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FoxNews Puts Me In Its Crosshairs (RW "attacks", professor speaks out)
academic speaks out about right-wing campaign against professors.

i find this interesting considering the recent uproar about ward Churchill, University of Colorado professor, who recently resigned his post as head of the school's ethnic studies department following an uproar over an article he wrote about the people who died in the World Trade Center 9/11 event

"I published an essay, "America and Islam: Seeking Parallels," in Counterpunch on December 29, 2004. A day later, I began to receive nasty and threatening emails, all at once. These were orchestrated by a Shortly thereafter, other right-wing websites got into act, posting excerpts from the essay; these included,,,, etc. The messages posted on these websites were equally vicious, and some of them, containing explicit death threats, were 'kindly' forwarded to me."

"I had a feeling this was not the end of the matter. So yesterday, February 1, I received an email from Fox News asking for a TV interview; they were producing a program "on me." At this point, I spoke to people at ACLU who advised me against going on the program."
"It appears that Bill O'Reilly is doing a series on 'unAmerican' professors on US campuses. Last night, my wife tells me, he did a piece on Ward Churchill. Tonight will be my turn. I expect he will make all kinds of outlandish accusations that will resonate well with the left- and Muslim-hating members of his audience. This will generate calls and emails to Northeastern and to me ? containing threats, calls for firing me, and threats to withhold donations. I am not sure how well NU will stand up against this barrage"

seems they have a nasty little campaign going to silence those professors who dare think for themselves
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Donailin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-02-05 05:56 PM
Response to Original message
1. they're anti-intellectual
Edited on Wed Feb-02-05 06:06 PM by Donailin
and have no qualms about admitting it publicly.
<edited for spelling>
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GOPFighter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-02-05 07:31 PM
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2. They hate free speach
They hate America!
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ninkasi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-02-05 07:52 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. They hate.
As far as I can tell, all they do is hate. They hate everybody and everything that doesn't conform to their narrow-minded, twisted, perverted views of the world. Most of all, they hate themselves. Deep down inside, surely they must realize how ugly and vicious and unable to feel real human emotions they are.

They have two choices, to try to learn to be a part of humanity, or to destroy everything and everybody that isn't as hateful as them. So, to me, the object of their hatred is pretty much everything. They are like rabid animals, who have lost control of their emotions to ever thing but mindless, hateful, blinding rage.

Those among us who are human, flawed as we are, need to do everything in our power to keep them from spreading their diseased views of the world until we are all consumed by their blinding rage. My children tell me that sometimes, I over-dramatize things. Truly, though,these right wing extremists have accumulated such power now that I don't believe anything I can say is too extreme to point out the danger the world is in.
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