Gorbachev Calls Iraqi Elections A Desecration, Voting Violations Rife With Fraud
Feb 02, 2005
By Omar al-Faris.JUS; Agencies
Interfax news agency quoted Former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev, the pioneer of glasnost and perestroika as saying the January 30 elections in Iraq were "very far from what true elections are".
Gorbachev said: "And even though I am a supporter of elections and of the transfer of power to the people of Iraq, these elections were fake.
"I don't think these elections will be of any use. They may even have a negative impact on the country. Democracy cannot be imposed or strengthened with guns and tanks," Gorbachev said, according to Interfax.
Many Voting Violations Reported In Baghdad
Islam memo correspondents went to work early Sunday morning and spread themselves throughout Baghdad streets and back allays to get a first hand look at the so called election. They have witnessed scores of violations. According to Islam Memo’s correspondents, the communist party as well as others hired groups of women, children, and unemployed youths to appear on TV several times today to claim heavy voters turnout.
Those paid propagandists also claimed that the Iraqi security and police force were very cordial and went out of their way to escort voters to their respective voting centers.
In the meantime, one of the largest Kurdish parties headed by Galal Talbani, offered money and medium size radios to people to come to vote for them. This by any standard is a bribe but then with America in charge, who could expect anything other than this sort of repugnant conduct, which goes on in American elections routinely.