Duh RoundupFrom
ScriptoidsWell, Can You Really Blame Him? From the White House background briefing on the president's proposed Social Security reforms held the day of the president's State of the Union address:
REPORTER: You talked about the $664 billion for the near-term costs. There's been a lot of speculation in advance that it would be something like $2 trillion. Talk a little bit more about that. How do you square that?
SENIOR OFFICIAL: I don't want to say too much about it....
Dear Peggy: I Want Proof "Normal Service Resumed," by Peggy Noonan (
Town Hall)
Here I raise a question about human nature that I cannot answer. Republicans tend to assume that everyone hungers for more investment accounts to handle. This is because
Republicans like personal autonomy and authority, and
are good at math.
So That's What They're Calling It Now "Judy Woodruff's Inside Politics" (CNN)
seems very comfortable in the position of first lady.
WOODRUFF: Very comfortable and very plugged in.
CROWLEY: Yes. I think she has the ultimate plug there.