Thank you very much for your comments. Your letter may appear in a future issue of IMPACT press.
We appreciate your outspoken attitude during these particularly urgent political times.
Take Care,
Craig Mazer
Editor, IMPACT press
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At 11:30 PM 2/4/2005, you wrote:
Florida, Florida 32818
February 4, 2005
Impact Press
PMB 361, 10151 University Blvd
Orlando, FL 32817-
Dear Impact Press:
To Whom It May Concern:
The only crisis that Social Security faces is that of it being destroyed
by a greedy administration for whom the American Public are disregarded.
The retirement fund will continue to support the retirement population
until 2042 without change and with some small adjustments at that time it
will last for many more years to come.
We must not allow the tax breaks given to the most wealthy of Americans to
remain. They are draining Social Security to maintain them, the tax
breaks must go. Social Security was never meant to be used to support tax
breaks but to support retiring Americans in their later years. So while
the wealthy grow more so the retiring elderly will lose 46 percent of
their benefits of the existing system of Social Security. So the country
will borrow 2 trillion from a foreign country which the young will need to
pay back while risking on the stock market their retirement funds. At the
same time they will be losing at least $150,000 of their retirement funds
which the present system would give to them while retired. I hope this
ugliness never happens for I will be one of those Americans who will look
into my cupboards for food which is not there due to this plan's failure
but I will not be alone, you may well share in my ordeal.
This is the worker's hard earned money from the labor of their backs which
was put aside for them not to be plundered by those who already have plenty
to retire on. The private accounts would not even be run by the
individual but by government chosen companies. They would be the only
Americans to benefit from the changes to this system. The extra money
earned in the stock market on this retire currency will not even go to
benefit the individual but will be used by the government as it sees fit.
So the working class American takes all the risk but will have no gains.
This same plan for retirement as been attempted in numerous countries,
England, Russia, and Chile with all of them running from it after it
destroyed their retirement programs. To me this is the highest form of
treason in this country, that treason being the denial of a working class
American to eat in their old age, to have the basic needs of life to live
out their lives in peace without hunger. We as Americans must name this
Acton for what it is and should punish all who would take from the elderly
as well as the working souls in this country. There is much more to know
but only one thing to remember above all the rest, accountability will
reign in this country once again when all of us share in the same fate of
empty pockets as elderly poor hungry souls.
Central Florida
IMPACT press - "Enlightening Readers Since 1996"
PMB 361
10151 University Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32817
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