Christine Gregoire is Washington State's new governor. But she won ugly and by the narrowest of margins: 129 votes, on the third vote count, over Dino Rossi. Republicans remain apoplectic and are still pushing for a revote; the next hearing in their election contest lawsuit will be held this week. And the public remains lukewarm about Gregoire: A recent poll showed 53 percent believe Rossi won the election (only 37 percent said the same of Gregoire); her disapproval rating stands at 57 percent. Yet Gregoire has come hard out of the gate, pressing government accountability reforms and cutting through red tape to preserve health care coverage for 19,000 children. This week she will introduce her jobs plan, which is focused on improving the small business climate and creating a funding pool to promote the life sciences. Still to come, the tough stuff: Closing a projected $1.8 billion budget hole, untangling Olympia's transportation gridlock (hello, Viaduct funding?), and culture war controversies over gay marriage and gay civil rights.
In her spacious Olympia office-- Gregoire confides that Oregon's governor Ted Kulongowski marvelled at the size of the space during his recent visit--our new governor suggests bypassing the formal conference table for the cozier chairs set around a coffee table in the far corner of the room. Cool, collected, and apparently at ease, Gregoire chatted amiably about what went wrong with her campaign and how she intends to move the state forward in the future.