on inspecting other countries that the United States will not allow the United Nations to inspect Guantanamo Bay
http://www.unhchr.ch/huricane/huricane.nsf/NewsRoom?OpenFrameSetHere's the complaint process to make a difference
http://www.ohchr.org/english/issues/detention/contact.htmIt all boils down to the fact that we are not giving civil liberties to the "detainees" (they have not even been charged with crimes), that we ourselves are entitled to. In the United States, if charged with a crime the police have one day to bring charges and 72 hours for arraignment on said charges. These people have been deprived of their civil liberties for going on 4 years.
Let's complain to the UN and do something about it. Atleast have the UN inspect the facility to know that there is humane treatment and to have the actual names of who are being held and have their family notified. After all, we all are entitled to our "one phone call" aren't we?
I'm thoroughly disgusted with the way we are keeping our "concentration camp" secretive. We never used to be this way but I guess since the isolation of Asian-Americans during WWII we've learned our lesson. Better to keep it from the public as much as possible, huh?
According to Geneva convention all detainees "POWs" are to be released after the conflict is over. The end of the "war" was declared 18 months ago. Why are we still holding prisoners?
I remember having this wonderful owner of a convenient store down the street where I would always purchase my basic needs items. My brother had a drinking problem and he would always remember to count how much alcohol my brother would buy and tell me when I came in. He was like that for everyone who came in. Always friendly, always remembered who you were. He actually cared about his customers. Only after 9/11 his shop lost a lot of money almost to the point of closing for the simple fact that he was middle eastern. But you know now that I'm paranoid, he was probably trying to gather intelligence on me and the rest of his customers so he can wage a massive terrorist attack that would hurt us all the most. I probably could have gotten him sent to Guantanamo Bay and had him "detained" there so he wouldn't pose some unrealistic threat.
I'm sure you all have your personal experiences with one of a different color that made a positive impact on your life. Not because of their color but because of who they are. We are detaining persons because of race, just like WWII. Delve within and find your personal story, get angered and write to the UN for either the release or prosecution of these detainees. Their families shouldn't be made to suffer because we're paranoid.
Demand that justice be served, that these people are entitled to our own inalienable rights.