Sunday Times
Comment: Rod Liddle: Al-Qaeda is more honest than Gerry Adams
It¡¯s good to have the old murderous Provos back in the headlines, isn¡¯t it? Al-Qaeda may, of late, have rather stolen their thunder but the crisis in the peace talks shows that there¡¯s plenty of life left in the old dogs of the IRA.
Of course, if you live in Belfast, and especially if you live in the nationalist areas of Belfast, they haven¡¯t really been out of the headlines at all. You could be forgiven for wondering what on earth was all this fuss about the Islamo-fascist terrorist menace.
On the mainland we are constantly warned about sarin canisters on the Underground, dirty bombs at Liverpool Street Station, bearded fundamentalist maniacs with Semtex strapped to their waistlines ready to cause mayhem in the West End.
The government has concluded that the threat is so serious that our home secretary can bung whomsoever he wants in jail without due process. We didn¡¯t even do that sort of thing when the Provos were busy demolishing Docklands.,,176-1472033,00.html