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George Bush Is A Malignant Narcissist by Paul Levy

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acmavm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-06-05 02:04 PM
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George Bush Is A Malignant Narcissist by Paul Levy


Psychologically speaking, Mr. George W. Bush is what is called a ‘malignant narcissist.’ A narcissist is someone who has become hypnotized and entranced by their own inflated self-image. They have become so self-absorbed that not only are they not in genuine relation with others, but they relate to others (including the environment) as objects to satisfy their own need for self-aggrandizement. A ‘malignant’ narcissist, however, is a narcissist who reacts sadistically to others who don't support and enable their narcissism. For example, instead of self-reflecting and taking in critical feedback, the Bush administration reacts with ruthless contempt for anyone who disagrees with them. Like a mean and cruel-spirited malignant narcissist, Bush and Co. deny the accusation and try to destroy the messenger. Ultimately, a malignant narcissist wants to annihilate anyone who in any way threatens their illusory self-image and self-serving agenda.

Malignant narcissists can be very charismatic, and are very adept at charming and manipulating others. They are clever at camouflaging their malevolent agenda, even to themselves, and can appear to be very normal, regular, and seemingly loving people. To quote the great doctor of the soul, psychiatrist C. G. Jung “only a very small fraction of so-called psychopaths land in the asylum. The overwhelming majority of them constitute that part of the population which is alleged to be “normal.”” And, I might add, that many of these so-called seemingly ‘normal’ psychopaths are drawn to positions of power. Malignant narcissists are very skilled at entrancing others, at putting other’s under their spell. They are master hypnotists. They are like ‘black magicians,’ in that they are very talented at hooking others through their fear by using ‘mind-control’ techniques such as lying and propaganda to control them.


By playing with people’s fear, Bush is hypnotizing people to give their power away to him. Unfortunately, by doing this he has hypnotized himself as well, which is to say he is deceiving himself in the process of his deceiving of others. Malignant narcissists are pathological liars. They are very adept at both lying and then believing their own lies. The conviction they carry in this act of self-deception can easily ‘entrance’ people. To quote Jung “Nothing has such a convincing effect as a lie one invents and believes oneself, or an evil deed or intention whose righteousness one regards as self-evident.” A malignant narcissist plays with people’s fears so as to gain their trust and control them, which is based on the abuse of power over others that is the signature of a true dictator.


Malignant narcissists are unwilling and unable to experience their sense of shame, guilt or sin, as their narcissism doesn’t allow these feelings. This inability to consciously feel their ‘negative’ feelings is at the root of the dynamic in which they dissociate from their own darkness, blaming and ‘projecting the shadow’ out there onto some ‘other.’ This splitting-off and projecting out their own evil results in always having a potential enemy around every corner, which is why malignant narcissists tend towards paranoia. Malignant narcissists continually ‘need’ an enemy and will even create new ones to ensure that they don’t have to look at the evil within their own hearts. They react with aversion to the reflection of their own evil, going so far as to want to exterminate evil from the world. Or as George Bush would say “to rid the world of evil-doers.” Ridding the world of evil is an act that can never be attained, however, as by ‘projecting the shadow,’ malignant narcissists themselves become the very evil-doer that they see out there and are trying to destroy. George Bush has become possessed by the very thing he’s fighting against.

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ayeshahaqqiqa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-06-05 02:34 PM
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1. Don't give your power away
or take it back. Do this by starting with yourself-realize that the illusions Bush spins are just illusions. Don't feel intimidated or discouraged by what "appears" to be, because that is all it is--appearances. Think positively that the truth will come out-as it surely is about Social Security. Rememeber over and over that Bush's 'win' was miniscule, and his support not that deep. We can-and we will-change people's minds by telling them the truth and stating the facts. But it must start with our own self confidence, not defensiveness.

Truth will always shatter illusion. Never forget this.
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