Harvey Wasserman
Let's cut the actuarial doublespeak: Bush comes not to save Social
Security, but to bury it.
Ever since Franklin Roosevelt installed the most successful social program in US
history, far right fanatics of the Bush ilk have been trying to destroy it. They may be
on the brink of succeeding.
Fundamentalist conservatives despise any social welfare program that works. Their
stark ideological crusade demands the dismantling of any program through which
society can exert control over the economy or our common heritage, such as the
natural environment.
Their demand is precisely the opposite when it comes to personal and cultural
behavior. The fundamentalist right WANTS the government (if they control it) to
legislate "morality" when it comes to sexual choice (gay marriage), recreational
preferences (marijuana), women's rights (freedom to choose), free speech (the
Patriot Act), free press (censorship), sexual expression (the FCC), religion (official
prayer), education (evolution), human rights (Guantanamo), the sanctity of life (the
death penalty) and much more.
In other words, in the name of "family values," it's fine to insert the government into
our personal lives.
But when it comes to the economy, it's survival-of-the-fittest Social Darwinism all the
way. The corporate rich are the Elect of God. Any interference with their absolute
power is a heathen affront. To aid those less fortunate is to prolong the existence of
inferior beings who are predetermined for Divine rejection.
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