Do you feel the pulse? The surging urge for delicious politician-free change? That's right! It's recall time!
Because this is your opening. This is your chance. Here is the insane inane circus of the California recall, and here is this huge gaping maw of political idiocy and infighting, and apparently they just really, really want you to know that all you really need is a million bucks and a million signatures and you too can change history to suit your whiny conservative whims. Ah, democracy.
Ha. You will show them. Because this is your chance. To harness the bitter energy of the bitchy little pundits and the hysterical media stories and the desperately weird Schwarzenegger campaign ads featuring all those "normal" citizens sitting around a classroom shooting the Mumbly Meat Man broad-stroke questions about CA's never-ending fiscal crisis as if they weren't talking to the Terminator, the big dumb action hero, Conan Kindergarten Cop himself. God but the world is strange.
But now is your chance. Leverage the hell out of all of it, make it personal, spin it all your way. They want a recall? You shall give them a recall.