If you visit Rush's website you find numerous and varied references to his exciting new career at ESPN. But don't worry, his old career as a loudmouthed dope is still going strong.
YEsterday he read an article about how we should all be pissed off at Arabs tomorrow, and said, "
As far as the terrorists are concerned, this isn't a "last stand" but it's a huge stand against the Middle East forces of freedom and democratization they fear. It's silly to look at this as a mistake or to make the irrelevant point that we could have avoided dealing with Saddam. Yet a portion of the left believes just that because they do not believe in America or in our greatness. Instead they believe America and its military are the opposite of the last best hope of mankind." (
http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_090903/content/rush_on_a_roll_2.guest.html )
I usually try to make fun of Rush (which, considering what he says, isn't that hard), but this just gets me angry. I am tired of being told I don't love my country just because I don't support President Bush's asinine domestic policy and his half baked (if that) foriegn policy. I do, in fact, love my country and I believe in its greatness. I just don't think the mean-spirited, bone headed, bullying tactics of the Bush Administration represent the greatness of America; quite the opposite.
Anyway, for further commentary -->