Isn't Natl Review a right wing publication - this article was pretty nice to Dean and Deaniacs, with a bit of RW spin thrown in, but tolerable.<snip>
For a moment in Washington on Wednesday night, it was 2003 again, and Howard Dean was speaking to a crowd of adoring twenty-somethings — and sounding much as he did when it appeared he would sweep the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary and then the Democratic presidential nomination. Dean, clearly energized by his young supporters, even worked himself up into one of those "and then we're going to Washington D.C. to take back the White House!" rhetorical exercises that gave him so much trouble as his campaign was collapsing. "Piece by piece, bit by bit, vote by vote," he shouted at one point last night, "door by door, state by state, legislative district by legislative district, election by election, we are going to take this country back!"