Every time I see or hear the phrase "reform Social Security," or "save Social Security," or "rescue Social Security," I say to myself, President Bush is going to win this one.
Every time a headline, or a title on the screen, or an announcer on TV or radio uses the words "reform," "save," "rescue," they make the Republicans' case. Indeed, even when the Democrats -- that media-challenged crew -- come out and say that the president's plan is not the way to reform Social Security, they are, inadvertently and ineptly, supporting the notion that "reform" is what is actually needed. And rescue or save is the intent.
In terms of who is going to win the debate, the facts may not matter. . . .Arguing the facts won't work. The effective response is to change the label. Call it the plan to "loot" Social Security.
. . . Why, you ask, would someone want to "loot" one of our most successful systems? That's what Bushenomics is about. The Bush people see a pile of money or resources and they plunge in with both fists to plunder it. The deficit, looted. Medicare, looted. There's oil in Alaska, let's plunder it. There's timber in the national forests, let's chop it down. The rich and big corporations always get to skim the cream and the mess is left behind for others to pay. In debts or pollution or lost jobs or ruined landscapes.