Editor, Times-Dispatch: In his letter railing against President Bush's Iraq policy, Tom Herbert wrote, "This war is not what Americans voted for in 2000 or 2004." Well, they may not have voted for it in 2000, but they certainly did in 2004.
They also voted for larger federal government, larger federal budget deficits, a sluggish economy, slow job growth, the transfer of wealth from those with less to those with more, shrinking incomes for people already making the least, elimination of overtime pay for people least able to afford losing it, higher state and local taxes, a move toward unification of church and state, greater secrecy in government, greater deception by government officials, higher oil (and gasoline, and heating fuel) prices, higher college tuition, higher health care costs, decreased access to health care, the torture of innocent people, war profiteering by our highest officials, and deployment of a missile defense system (to defend us against whom, exactly?).
As for his second term? I think it's safe to say that in addition to the above, the American people voted for privatizing Social Security (like what we had before 1935?), returning gays to the closet, and returning abortions to the back alleys. God help us. Jeff Lodge. richmond.