Will Pitt - FYI
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A Phone Conversation with Ambassador Joseph Wilson
By WilliamPitt,
Wed Feb 16th, 2005 at 10:41:21 AM EST :: Media ::
I spoke this morning with Ambassador Joseph Wilson in conection with an article I am working on that focuses on Bush's standing as the defender of our national security. Ambassador Wilson had a few thoughts on the Gannon/Guckert story:
"The idea that someone with such a limited track record in journalism would be entrusted with a classified document, or information related to a classified document, is really unheard of unless the information was planted with him. If you talk to any experienced journalist, they will tell you it takes time to develop sources and trust before sensitive information is shared."
"The interesting connection here is between Eberle and GOPusa. Such a connection would definitely get McClellan’s attention. I have read that Gannon managed to get an interview with Karl Rove, which is hard to get. Eberle is Houston political activist involved in Republican party politics. GOPusa and Talon News were clearly organizations designed to put forward the Republican point of view, which is fine of itself. We know they use right-wing blogs to get stories into the mainstream media. The question is did they skip a step by having a right-wing blog with a 'White House Bureau Chief' who is apparently connected inside the administration."
"I don’t think there is a secret CIA memo. When Gannon interviewed me, he said 'a memo prepared by intelligence.' That could be INR. I've heard of a story about an INR memo talking about a meeting in 2002 with my wife (Valerie Plame) discussing sending me to Niger. Valerie wasn't at that meeting. If the memo was talking about another meeting, they don’t know what they’re talking about, because she wouldn’t have been involved. Valerie doesn’t think the meeting actually took place."