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David Corn: Negroponte's Dark Past

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Cocoa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-17-05 03:03 PM
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David Corn: Negroponte's Dark Past
briefly at the very top of Google News, now you have to search for it ...

How many times can I write the same piece about John Negroponte?

Today George W. Bush named him to the new post of Director of National Intelligence. Previously, Bush had hired Negroponte to be UN ambassador and then US ambassador to the new Iraq. On each of those earlier occasions, I noted that Negroponte's past deserved scrutiny. After all, during the Reagan years, when he was ambassador to Honduras, Negroponte was involved in what was arguably an illegal covert quid pro quo connected to the Iran/contra scandal, and he refused to acknowledge significant human rights abuses committed by the pro-US military in Honduras. But each time Negroponte's appointment came before the Senate, he won easy confirmation. Now that he's been tapped to lead the effort to reorganize and reform an intelligence community that screwed up 9/11 and the WMD-in-Iraq assignment, Negroponte will likely sail through the confirmation process once again.

His previous exploits, though, warrant more attention than ever. He has been credibly accused of rigging a human rights report that was politically inconvenient. This is a bad omen. The fundamental mission of the intelligence community is to provide policymakers with unvarnished and valuable information-even if it causes the policymakers headaches. But there's reason to believe that Negroponte did the opposite in tough circumstances. If that is the case, he would not be the right man to oversee an intelligence community that needs solid leaders who are committed to truth-finding. Rather than rewrite my previous work on Negroponte, I am posting below

Bush's New Iraq Viceroy


May 10, 2004 issue

Like dirty money, tainted reputations can be laundered, as the Administration fervently hopes in the case of John Negroponte. Now UN ambassador, Negroponte has been chosen by George W. Bush to be the first ambassador to post-Saddam Iraq. When Bush selected Negroponte to be his UN representative in 2001, Negroponte was one of several Iran/contra figures being resurrected by the Bush crowd. As Honduras ambassador in the early 1980s, Negroponte, a career diplomat, participated in a secret and possibly illegal quid pro quo in which the Reagan Administration bribed the Honduran government with economic and military assistance to support the contras fighting the socialist Sandinistas of Nicaragua. Perhaps more significant, while Negroponte served in Honduras, he denied or downplayed serious human rights abuses by government security forces. This past threatened his confirmation as UN ambassador. But 9/11 rescued Negroponte. At the time of the attack, his nomination was pending, and the Senate moved quickly to approve him.

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fooj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-17-05 03:14 PM
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1. It is all like a reoccurring, bad dream! No... a NIGHTMARE!
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EC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-17-05 04:09 PM
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2. At least he won't question Rummy about the money...
Edited on Thu Feb-17-05 04:10 PM by EC
Rummy didn't want to give up control of the cash, now he won't...he'll still have the purse strings, because Nigroponte is just a puppet for these guys....

On edit: it just gets worse and worse....
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