A Flyover of Scarborough Country Clinches a New Stupidity Altitude Record By Grace Nearing of
ScriptoidsEither way, Joe Scarborough is stupid. Either he picks out these "flyover" stories himself or his staff picks them out --
and then he actually reads them on national television
as a tribute. Well, moving on, it‘s time for a flyover of SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY. Of course, these are the stories that the mainstream media misses as they fly from New York to the left coast.Okay, he got in the obligatory swipe at the mainstream media. Seems a rather odd grudge, though, considering these bicoastal elites are nice enough not only to give him a full hour of prime time five nights a week but also
to pay him. Wish my bogus adversaries were so generous.
And it's astonishing what Scarborough features in his ode to Middle America....