Conservative Roberts keeps blasting away at the Bush Administration.... The conservative media will never recover from its role as Chief
Sycophant for the Bush administration. Journalists who demanded that
Clinton be held accountable for a minor sex scandal (Monica
Lewinsky) and a minor financial scandal (Whitewater) now serve as
apologists and propagandists for the Bush administration’s major war
For example, Tom Frank of The New Republic (once considered to
be part of the hated "liberal press") recently expres sed his thoughts in
that unfortunate magazine. Frank wrote that dissenters from Bush’s
gratuitous war should be beaten and even killed. He expressed his
wish that Arnold Schwarzenegger would punch Stan Goff in the face.
He wrote that seeing Arundhati Roy taken out with a "bunker buster"
would be a satisfying experience. As for Sherry Wolf and other
dissenters, "I wanted John Ashcroft to come busting through the wall
with a submachine gun to round everyone up for an immediate trip to
Gitmo, with Charles Graner on hand for interrogation."
Conservatives regard dissent as a serious offense, but they think it is
treasonous to give the public real information, as contrasted with Fox
"News" propaganda. Former Newt Gingrich operative and current
Washington Times editorial page editor Tony Blankley believes
America’s premier investigative journalist, Seymour Hersh, should be
arrested for treason and perhaps shot for warning Americans about
the Bush administration’s plans to start a war with Iran.
"Conservative" talk radio hosts and Republican politicians are foaming
at the mouth over Ward Churchill, a University of Colorado professor
of ethics. The professor’s crime – and the crazed Republicans mean
the word literally – is to have stated that the US should apply to itself
the same standards it applies to other countries.