Here is some info concerning the new NSPS system for us lowly Civil Serveants:
Is there any way that civilians could be considered military personnel under NSPS?
No, employees under NSPS will continue to be civil service employees. The Department of Defense has no authority today nor will they under NSPS to treat civilian employees as military assets. Our DoD military and civilian employees are each governed by a separate set of rules, regulations and statutes, and these distinctions will be maintained under NSPS.
Under NSPS, can civilian employees be defined as "deployable assets" and ordered anywhere in the world, including war zones, to support the mission?
Currently DoD has the authority to reassign employees and this authority is unaffected by NSPS. One of the Goals of NSPS is to reduce its reliance on the military to perform jobs that could be performed by civilians in order to free up the military to perform its war fighting duties.
End Quote
Now, if you go to the main site and dload the entire release, you will find that DOD will be able to deploy us CIVILIANS anytime, anywhere. Talk about a backdoor draft. Now we are going to be subjected to long and involuntary moves to who knows where. I already served my time (sounds like prison time, doesn't it) and now I may be forced to 'deploy' to war zones? Guess using Halliburton and other private companies is getting too expensive and now they want to use us, who by the way, make less than the GIs when you add up total pay.
After you read the new rules, if you feel moved to do so, please write your senator or congressperson and express your views.
Thank You