By Grace Nearing of ScriptoidsAmazing, isn't it, the number of conservatives in the media who don't believe in the full faith and credit of the United States government. I view it as economic treason. As usual lately, the economically treasonous remarks come out when the conserverati discuss Social Security. Charles Krauthammer is guilty of it too, but the former psychiatrist takes a distinctly shrink-like approach: Americans are all affably daft and the Social Security Trust Fund is a multi-trillion dollar pookah.
2042. I do not know if the president's Social Security reform will pass, but if it does not, its demise will be traced to that point in the president's State of the Union address when he warned that the system would go bankrupt in 2042. It was a disastrous moment.Why? Paraphrasing Dr. Krauthammer here, Americans are too cognitively impaired to think that far ahead. I wonder: Maybe the president should have included a brief mnemonic ditty in his State of the Union address so that we neuro-damaged citizens could stay focused on the date. Perhaps something like that grade-school "Columbus sailed the ocean blue" rhyme:
In 2042, we'll all be f*cked -- you know it's true.
See, you're not going to forget that date now, are you?
And not only are we Americans incapable of thinking in the long term, we haven't fully adjusted to the reality of years that begin with a "2." I kid you not.