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Velvet Texas Mafia/Gannon/Gay Facts And Fantasies

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LiviaOlivia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 06:54 AM
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Velvet Texas Mafia/Gannon/Gay Facts And Fantasies
Daily Kos
Gay Facts And Fantasies In Propagannon Research
by padraig pearse
Sat Feb 19th, 2005

Lots of well-meaning Kos's are reluctant to explore the gay aspects of this story for fear that it unfairly targets people because of their sexuality and distracts from the "real" issues.

My hope here is to help narrow the discussion along lines of probability as narrowed by an experienced perspective.

As a seasoned gay man of a certain age I'd like to examine some of the facts that have been unearthed and to infer these facts' larger meaning from the perspective of a gay "insider". And I can tell you, from the amount of hand-wringing over the horror of lefty bloggers making a big deal over poor Jeff's former, and, overlapping career, that they are terrified that the extent of Bush's intimate Gay network will be exposed.

Given their monstrous treatment of our nation's Gays, they deserve it. Having ridden to electoral victory by unleashing the worst homophobic bigotry we've seen in decades, it is fit and just that this maelstrom of hate turns against them. I'm sure they know the Bible quote?: "He who sows the wind, reaps the whirlwind"?. In an earthier version I've heard the same principal expressed as "He who stirs the shit, gets to eat it."

But the Gay network may also provide substantial clues as to the Dirty Tricks department of Team Bush. I think it likely there is huge overlap.


That many Gay Republicans should prefer the closety games of the 1950s over the open Gay culture that arose out of the post Stonewall era should come as no surprise. They are reactionaries after all. In fact, I know Gay men of a certain age and income who routinely excoriate "the fags" while nonetheless indulging appetites and behaviors that would leave Margaret Sperling's head spinning. But since the lights are out in their orgy rooms, good Republicans are happy to just overlook and pretend not to see. It is the public avowal of affection that makes them crazy over the gay marriage issue. To compare Gay marriage to a perversion, as right next to bestiality is on the face of it insane. Gay people seeking to have stable monogamous relationships accepted into their families and their communities are, in key respects, far more conservative and traditional than the many gays in the republican party who scuttle around in the shadows, procuring illicit sex and using sites like

I have been with my partner 25 years this summer and I personally am sick and tired of being told that my only option is to have a lavender marriage with an understanding lesbian or a loveless marriage with an unsuspecting woman while trolling public toilets and internet chat rooms on the side. You tell me which of these is the more honorable?


While it might seem thrilling to imagine that Gannon found a sponsor through his website the chances of that are actually next to nil. Far more likely is that he met his sponsor in a more refined setting. In New York there is a piano bar on the East Side that fancies itself a bit of a British gentlemen's club. The place is filled with older men of means and younger men on the make. Prostitution is never mentioned. For a young gay to quote an hourly rate would be a fatal error. In this refined atmosphere we're not talking about by the hour rent-boys but long-term investments: what I've always called mortgage boys.

The young men on the make are not teenagers. They are reasonably well educated and well groomed; in their late 20s, 30s, even 40s and are all hoping to find an older gentlemen who might "mentor" them.

The reason why $$$ is never discussed is because the true value of the John's fantasy is that this isn't just tawdry or naughty but that there is some sort of relationship developing. Somewhere along the line there'll be college "fees", medical bills, a car, a cruise, a fortnight in Aspen or the Hamptons. Or, of course, a job. You get the picture.

Anyway, if this was the ruse under which Gannon scored his Sugar Daddy, the Daddy may never have known about the websites and the hooking. Gannon might (as the fantasy required) have similarly fed him a long story. Didn't Gannon once say he had been living off "savings" - That sounds like a perfectly good way to disguise an illicit cash flow and may well have been the perfect line to feed his sugar daddy. It helped create the impression that Gannon really is one of the boys, one of the club. Well bred, wants to write, has savings or a trust fund. Sound political views. Bingo.

If Gannon really was working the circuit I'm sure he sought to hide his side-line in the Flesh trade and that, in that scenario, his "mentor" may not have known. My short hand reading says - possibly Eberle told Rove or McClellan that Gannon was cool and -wosh - he's in. Everyone knows that these types of events have a front stage and a backstage - we should see if a Jeff Gannon or a JD Guckert is signed in anywhere else in the White House or the Eisenhower Building (Isn't that what the Old Executive Offices are now called? I haven't been to DC in decades)

Once it all seems doable and Gannon seems to be fitting in, OR because the Press Room needs this added layer of subterfuge, Talon News is born.


When NBC ran an item on Gannon the other evening they cut in a snip of stock footage of Bob Eberle talking about his political action group, GOPUSA. While I know that Bob Eberle is married (who isn't wink-wink) I couldn't help but hear my gaydar ring a bit when I saw him.

Interestingly it has since been reported that Texas Republicans are distancing themselves from Eberle with almost universal declarations that no one knew him. This, in itself, suggests they know something about the relationship between Eberle and Gannon and are running scared from it.

There is a photo of born-again Bobby on a recent GOPUSA posting - March 24, 2004
Bob Eberle writes: "Thanks also goes out to Paul Dickerson, Charlie Weldon, and Terri Hillhouse of the GOPUSA team for their valuable insights".

This, largely overlooked, diary from FOYA ( noted that while the last two names are formerly affiliated with GOPUSA) that Dickerson was a mystery and so a long list of URLS referring to Dickerson where cited. Some of them were interesting to me in ways that FOYA might not have gleaned.

The list shows that Dickerson was a Bush Ranger in 2004, raising over 200k for the re-election campaign. Two of them are largely gossip items placing Dickerson in the center of prominent Texas Republicans. One introduces Dickerson at a Houston fundraiser for Bush and notes how he brought a "client" with him - I quote:

Paul Dickerson is an example. Only 33, Dickerson is a Houston lawyer and he is not well known. But he is highly valuable to the Bush campaign, one of 187 "Rangers" who have each raised at least $200,000. He is one of many fresh faces behind Mr. Bush's financial operation, which has minted scores of new fund-raisers and molded them into the most effective money machine in presidential campaign history.

At Bush's fund-raising visit to Houston on March 10, for example, Dickerson, brought Michael Ames, an investment banker he hopes to entice to do business with his law firm.

"I ask clients to come along, instead of bringing some sweet young thing," he said. "As a young associate, I want to make a partner." Ames, who gushed about the high-powered event at the Hilton Americas, said he wanted to work with Dickerson, who clearly scored points at the reception.

Dickerson told reporters that he can enhance his career by mixing colleagues and would-be clients with his campaign connections, even though he insisted, "that wasn't my motivation getting started." Ironically, Dickerson said he has yet to offer up his own money to the campaign, but his willingness to put in hundreds of hours and thousands of phone calls transformed him over the last year into a six-figure fund-raiser, one of the most valuable commodities in politics.

There's a lot of interest in that seemingly innocuous bit of filler. The "only" 33 Dickerson is clearly unmarried as the only option to bringing a "client" he cites is "bringing some sweet young thing" (he doesn't say "my wife", does he?)

In fact, the whole thing sounds like a boilerplate closet-case cover and I suspect the reporter was tipping her hand by telling us that his "client", Michael Ames "gushed" - a long time euphemism for an effeminate man. (Her use of the word "entice" to describe Dickerson's ambitions towards Ames is also telling) (Actually these four paragraphs are telling in a lot of ways - but not for today)

AND WAIT - when we look at another one of the links so thoughtfully dug out by FOYA we find this - another social column - this time in the Houston Chronicle-
covering a huge White House Party for about 700 Texas loyalists. Here we find Dickerson (of the old Bush family linked law office of Haynes and Boone) partnered, again, with another man, one Rex Lamb. A quick google search shows us that Rex is president of the Houston Young Republicans. While it may only be a coincidence that their names are fused together, I suspect that Dickerson's companion would have been mentioned - had he had one other than Mr Lamb, and that the same would apply for Rex Lamb. In short, columns of this type are usually very keen to get the pairings right and to not give offense by naming only one half of a couple. On top of that, the etiquette of naming gay couples is usually discreet enough so that it could be read as just happenstance. It could, of course, just be happenstance but the very ambiguity of it is telling.

So, what can we infer from this? Let's add one other factoid about Dickerson touched on in the item quoted above - He's a new face, someone who, like Bob Eberle himself appears to have played a much lower key role in the party prior to 2000.

My inference? Well, I think we've touched on a Hot Potato issue, that, in fact, Gannon's indiscretion is running the risk of exposing the entire Velvet Mafia of Texas that rallied behind Bush's election strategy. As a "new" member of the Bush team wouldn't it be logical to think that he'd been brought on board by campaign manager, Ken Mehlman?

So, in essence, far from having knowingly sponsored a rent boy, I think they've all been taken for a loop - winking eyes through short-hand conversations and just assumed that Gannon's bona fides were in order. As of today, the whole chain of command is terrified that this thing might spin out of their control


What is interesting in tracing the origins of GOPUSA is that Bobby Eberle appears to equivocate about when his organization actually began. Although he most often cites 9-11 as a key to the inspiration to go big time, other reports suggest that GOPUSA was, in fact, founded, in Texas, in 1999. The lead here suggests a strong possibility that Rove needed a "front" group to act as a propaganda arm of the campaign and that the far better connected (though even more dubious financially) Bruce Eberle agreed to help create GOPUSA for his (brother? Cousin? Nephew? - has anyone solved this yet?) Bobby to oversee, or front for.

Is the confusion because GOPUSA was actually created before Bob Eberle had anything much to do with it? That he, too, had been brought on board?

That GOPUSA and TALON news were not just some simple little advocacy group seems highlighted by their role in the South Dakota campaign, of which we already know quite a lot and has been well-documented by SusanG and others.

In summary for today, my hypothesis is that under the able scrutiny of Karl Rove, members of Texas's closety gay underground were brought in to similarly create a dirty tricks arm of the campaign. Most members of GOPUSA probably had no know idea that any of this was happening. That was desirable. The secret leveraged world of gays and espionage neatly overlap. Indeed, gays and networks of gays have long been a staple in the clandestine world for those very reasons.

While it is possible that Gannon's cover may have been deeper, that, indeed, the whole was itself a black op entrapment scam should not be discounted, I think it unlikely that they would have allowed Gannon to cross over. On the contrary, I suspect that they are all flabbergasted and blaming Bobby for having ever brought Gannon in on the scheme.

My estimation is that a network of Texas Gays have been instrumental in Bush's rise to power and that a few of them just got very sloppy in a way that risks outing all of them. That's the reason why there's been this whole attempt to frame the issue as being about Gannon's personal life - they know perfectly well it's their OWN personal lives that that they're trying to protect.


Blackmail is a subtle art and is often used by those nearest to us. I'm not talking about "emotional" blackmail in the pop psychology sense but something more nuanced. In a secretive culture, like the gay underworld - that I wish could finally disappear altogether - blackmail isn't as crass as open extortion, the threats are often unspoken. In fact, pressure can be applied in even apparently friendly ways as lovers, ex-lovers, or friends yield simply to accommodate and protect everyone.

Three days ago I spoke with a contemporary of mine, who'd been a regular at CBGB's and places like the 9th Circle who had become a staunch Republican. Although he lives in DC we met in one of the old 70s landmarks we'd each known 30 years ago as he was visiting New York for a few days. (He was keen to tell me about the Constitution Ball he attended this year.) When I asked him just what all this was about, all these secret gays - the whole pack of them - he gave me one of those looks that says "Girl, this says it all" and said, in a whispered tone, "Karl Rove."

He refused to elaborate. As he was off-the-record I'll keep his name off the main dairy for the moment until I speak with him again. I don't think he's near as well connected as he'd like to be but I take it - on face value - as a fair estimate of the gossip current in DC `s gay watering holes.

Given the astonishing number of alleged CLOSETED gays in key White House/RNC positions and in their MEDIA outlets it really baffles me how they get away with the amount of malicious and damaging gay baiting they do.

On a closing note, I think that until we find where the money for all these shenanigans came from (and GANNON/TALON seems the first to possibly derive from laundered money or slush funds. - (IMPORTANT POINT!!!) The others -Williams, Gallagher et alia - were all receiving merely misappropriated funds! LOL

My suggestion, if we're looking for slush funds, is go for the off shore ENRON accounts? Get every lunch receipt, every bus ticket, every memo available to the public domain. I'm sure you'll find BILLIONS of dollars were being siphoned off into secret slush fund accounts that are occasionally kicking back into TEAM BUSH operations. This could well be one of them.

A good job would be to see what links any of these B-list characters from Texas have with Enron and might have been privy, even signatories, to those mysterious off shore accounts - Bob Eberle, Paul Dickerson, Ken Mehlman, Dan Gurlie, Jay Banning, Scott McClellan, Karl Rove, Rick Perry, George W might just lead somewhere.

REMEMBER In all likelihood the first few times Gannon was in the Press Room (which does have a separate entrance, doesn't it?) he was already in the White House. Has anyone the know-how to access sign-in sheets at the Building's various entrances?

I hope I haven't gone on too long. I just felt that the amount of speculation about the gay side of the story was going too far from what the reality might truly be. I merely wished to lend my own perspective on the speculation and attempt to focus it all in a more forensic manner.

I think the issues are important. The gay angle is but one of several that need to be unearthed.

Believe me, at some point there will be considerable overlap and, possibly, immolation.

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burythehatchet Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 07:18 AM
Response to Original message
1. brilliant
fits with my suspicions because whenever I hear a repub harangue against anything, I know for a fact that its projection.
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 07:24 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. Exactly. What a thoughtful piece of work this is.

And, remembering the honey pot thread of last week, here's someone else that sees that as a strong possibility.
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 07:24 AM
Response to Original message
2. Not to discount anyone's sexuality
but this reminds me of the alleged ties to drug trafficking.

IOW, 'oh no you can't, but yes we can'.

What next.
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 07:28 AM
Response to Reply #2
4. It makes sense, though. When people are forced to live with secrecy,
Edited on Sun Feb-20-05 07:29 AM by sfexpat2000
they live with the features of secrecy, one of which is unlawfulness.

Here's an example: Living in California, I've met plenty of Mexican nationals who were here illegally to work. That meant, their lives had to be immaculate -- never get stopped for anything.

But it also meant, they could never call the police. Not for a burglary, not for a mugging, not for a rape. Certainly not for blackmail.

That's what it's like to be in any kind of "closet".

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tx_dem41 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 07:40 AM
Response to Original message
5. Its a shame to see the dailykos site...
playing the gay card as well (with the cute "wink-wink" references and all).
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 08:38 AM
Response to Reply #5
7. Do you think so, tx_dem?
I dimly remember that one of the first lessons in logic is to "bring all experience to bear". This author seems to be doing that.

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tx_dem41 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 08:53 AM
Response to Reply #7
9. Yes, I remember that from taking logic in college.
I also remember taking ethics. I stand by what I said.
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tavalon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 10:28 AM
Response to Reply #9
13. I'm sorry but I have to say I support this angle
I've learned over the last few years to accept a certain amount of pragmatism. I live within a similar alternative lifestyle structure as gays do so I'm very supportive of gay rights and not fucking with them because of their sexuality (I heartily wish that consideration went both ways but whatever). But this isn't about attacking gays. This is about attacking those who attack gays using the very thing they use to attack gays. Unfortunately, sex sells so we are using this angle but the real hook is "It's not about the sex, it's about the lying". Remember that little gem?

Yeah, we're using the sex angle to get the average puriently interested Joe onboard, but then we change the angle to the lying and hopefully, in all of this, we stir up a scandal that cannot be ignored. We don't have our Kenneth Starr so we do what we can on our own and it is dirty and nasty and that's just the way it has to be because sex sells. I really do hate it but I support this angle because the ends really do justify the means this time.
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tx_dem41 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 10:58 AM
Response to Reply #13
15. Yes, I guess "pragmatism" is a nice word for it.
I can think of others. Whatever you feel like you have to do. Just don't be proud about doing it. Many on "your side" surely aren't.
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tavalon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 11:10 AM
Response to Reply #15
16. I'm not proud
one of the things I hate the most about what has happened to this county is what I have had to swallow to fight back. I'm better than all of this crap but I'm also fighting the most dangerous regime ever to raise it's ugly fascist head in America.

If holding to a higher ethical standard would allow us to stop the fascists, I would happily go there. It hasn't worked. Ask the Democrats.
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tx_dem41 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 11:31 AM
Response to Reply #16
17. Well don't feel too bad...
Edited on Sun Feb-20-05 11:31 AM by tx_dem41
its just the gays you've chucked overboard. Who cares about them, right? :eyes:

Anything to win political power, isn't that the * gameplan? We're learning it well, I see.
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 12:31 PM
Response to Reply #17
18. I don't think you and I read the same article
Edited on Sun Feb-20-05 12:32 PM by sfexpat2000
because this article, as I read it, is very precisely attempting to map out the unethical behavior of people who try to use the gay community for several different kinds of power, or at least two kind, political and sexuals.

Or, that was my reading. I certainly didn't get "let's give them a dose of their own". That may be pragmatic but it is unethical.

I'll be happy to talk to you about this, if you can keep your discussion grounded in the post and not in merely slathering innuendo -- which seems to be in part what you object to. On the destructiveness of scattering buckshot, we can both agree.
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Old Mouse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 02:22 PM
Response to Reply #18
25. My read as well.
I think the writer has strong personal opinions on gay rights and politics, and that merely colors his speech with phrases like "wink wink" The work is valid, and I thin an excellent summation of multiple threads.

My brother is a long time activist, and I still can't get him to stop saying "wink wink" It drives me crazy.
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tx_dem41 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 02:40 PM
Response to Reply #25
26. I do have strong opinions...
whether personal or not, I guess all opinions are personal, aren't they?

In a post further down, I have explained myself and apologized for overreacting in this thread.

As for the "wink-wink", having grown up in the Red South, I am very sensitive to code words, and I reacted to what I still think is at the very least a passive usage. On other threads, the code words used have been much less passive and subtle.
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Old Mouse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 02:58 PM
Original message
I don't blame you for your reaction
we couldn't have a more sensitive and delicate scandal. In my opinion there's no tasteful way to deal with this.

And "wink wink" really drives me crazy. I completely sympathize if that is something you consider to be a red flag.
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tx_dem41 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 03:03 PM
Response to Original message
33. Good talking with you!
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 02:06 AM
Response to Reply #26
43. tx_dem, thanks for the clarification
I've lots of personal and public reasons for wanting to get to the truth of all this. One of them is not to be uncareful.

Most of us have strong reactions here all the time. Here's to knowing that.

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Fovea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 01:36 PM
Response to Reply #17
21. Here I think the Mahabharata may help you out.
In it, Arjuna chides Krishna for lying, cheating, and stealing, essentially to defeat the foes of Dharma.

Krisha explains that there is no Karma in destroying the foes of Dharma.

He finishes by saying "I was born to destroy the destroyers, and I became your friend out of my love for mankind."

"Ok, it is not 'turn the other cheek,' but it holds up better in the real world of human sized good and evil, IMO.
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thebigidea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 01:58 PM
Response to Reply #17
22. yeah, that's not hyperbole at all
Edited on Sun Feb-20-05 01:59 PM by thebigidea
speaking of going overboard...

a little squeamishness is a good thing, but your seemingly hundreds of posts by now are getting just a tad goofy.
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tx_dem41 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 02:14 PM
Response to Reply #22
23. Perhaps I am being somewhat hyperbolic this morning...
but, after reading some truly disgusting posts (granted not on this thread), the last few days (capped by the "First comes love, then comes AIDS" post), I have realized that homophobia knows no ideological bounds. And, when I woke up this morning to people saying that they felt bad about it, BUT they felt it necessary to play the "gay card", I probably did ramp up my rhetoric.

But, it wasn't deserved on this thread. For that, I apologize.
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 02:15 AM
Response to Reply #23
44. No apologies necessary
I've noticed that we seem to have trouble (here comes the heat) in talking about gender, sex, sexual practice, race, class. It's sort of like a language deficit more than a doing or living deficit. It's that speaking thing.

So, here comes this huge story and we trip all over ourselves in all directions, like a buffet table being tackled.

Some of it is institutional homophobia. Some of it is not knowing. Some of it is brainstorming and that is always messy. Some of it is, we don't always type what we/feel think.

Not an easy thing to do, but apparently what we're attempting. Thanks for being here. Let's all put our helmets on.

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Misunderestimator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 02:20 PM
Response to Reply #5
24. I assume you're gay given your sensitivity to the gay aspect of this.
And I too tire of seeing gay in the same sentence as a scandal this big, over and over, post after post.

But, given that you misinterpreted a post of mine earlier today in which I was actually trying to make a point that prostitution is the important angle and not whether or not he is gay, I think your reaction about dailykos "playing the gay card" is a bit misplaced.

You must admit that since he sold himself as a gay escort, among other things, the gay aspect of this scandal is impossible to ignore. It's just one facet, and a predictably fascinating one to a country so obsessed with sexuality.
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tx_dem41 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 02:43 PM
Response to Reply #24
28. FWIW,
I'm not gay, and I'm only answering it because you broached it (not taking offense at you broaching it BTW). Yes, I have been involved in the gay-rights movement from a hospice care aspect starting in the early-to-mid 80s.

I'm ramping down on my reaction to this article from dkos.

Nice, talking with you.
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Misunderestimator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 02:45 PM
Response to Reply #28
29. FWIW, I didn't broach it... I assume you meant the OP
Edited on Sun Feb-20-05 02:48 PM by Misunderestimator
(On edit... ok, I admit it, I thought you were straight, and you were making these posts while giving the impression you were gay yourself. Thanks for clarifying.)
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tx_dem41 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 02:48 PM
Response to Reply #29
30. Take care, too.
Edited on Sun Feb-20-05 02:50 PM by tx_dem41
There wasn't any snarkiness meant when I said I wasn't offended by the assumption. Totally being sincere. Some people think that it's no one's business, but it definitely does bring context to political debates.

Hope I haven't jabbed at you, too hard. Sorry, if I did earlier.
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bklyncowgirl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 08:07 AM
Response to Original message
6. Interesting and plausible
JimmyJeff's sugar daddy meets him at some discrete club for gentlemen who like to spend time in the closet. Sugar Daddy is powerful enough to get JimmyJeff into the White House and forgo the usual background checks that would have revealed him as a loose cannon that could blow up in their faces.

This explains how the administration could have overlooked the tawdry websites and the fact that JimmyJeff was engaged in illegal and politically embarrassing activities.

The Bushies don't look too hard at thier own (e.g. Kerik). If someone they trusted brought JimmyJeff in and introduced him as an eager young conservative willing to do anything for the cause, they might well have trusted him right up until the bloggers outed him.

As for JimmyJeff himself he's a hustler and not the brightest bulb in the lamp. He was using them. They were using him. It's all a delightful mess that hopefully will blow up in their faces.

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Eloriel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 03:58 PM
Response to Reply #6
35. The Bushies know perfectly well who they've got and why
they simply fully expect to get away with it. Some of Kerik's many sins came out in the press and he became a liability. Prior to that "publicity," with the very same past, he was anything BUT a liability.

Negroponte is a perfect (current) example. The Bushies know his past -- they CReATED him and his past. But everyone is singing his praises and no one dares reveal the truth about him. They -- and he -- are getting off, as so many Bushites do. :shrug: It's the way of things.
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bklyncowgirl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 07:44 AM
Response to Reply #35
46. You may be right about Kerik--he's their type--and controllable too.
It's hard to see how they cold have missed all of that. I wonder if this was an attempt to neutralize Guiliani. On the other these people are arrogant and are used to getting away with things.

As for Negroponte, his past is exactly why they picked him for the job. As long as its just a few Hondoran death squads no one will raise a fuss. Now if he had a nanny problem...

I can see how a guy like JimmyJeff could have insinuated himself with a closeted Republican insider. If this guy is right that there's a sort of gay GOP underground, these guys are probably acting a great deal on trust.

It kind of takes me back to my high school days when people developed a reputation for being "cool" about smoking pot (meaning you smoked yourself or were trusted not to rat out others who smoked) or "not cool" meaning you'd run straight to the principal if you caught someone with a doob. If a friend vouched for as being were "cool" you were trusted immediately and implicitly. I wonder if being a closeted consevative is somewhat similar. I find it hard to imagine that the Bush people--who are very smart--would have used a street hustler as a media plant when they have so many eager and willing young conservatives to do the job.
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Mist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 08:43 AM
Response to Original message
8. VERY interesting. And the idea of searching the Enron acc'ts is good. nt
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DUgosh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 09:00 AM
Response to Original message
10. Proud to be first vote for greatest page.
Excellent post. Thanks.
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tanyev Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 09:07 AM
Response to Original message
11. Ultimate irony.
Closeted Republican gays are choosing to remain part of a group of people that require them to be closeted. Our society has reached a point (perhaps temporarily, if the fascists stay in charge) where gays and lesbians can be open about their sexuality without much fear.

Some have floated the theory of blackmail as playing a part in the Gannon saga. Maybe, but the threat of blackmail is not nearly the threat it was a few decades ago. The only people who would really care are the rabid religious nuts. So there are gays out there who are so desperate to retain whatever political influence they have achieved that they are willing to stay closeted to appease a relatively small group of people? I don't get it.
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lostnfound Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 01:13 PM
Response to Reply #11
20. But acceptance is highly variable -- many hide it from their own families
If raised in traditional conservative family, some feel they can't afford to come out, for fear of losing ties with parents or siblings.

Probably some are attempting to hide it from themselves, also...pretending that it's like the 'occasional binge' for an alcoholic.

If you're a Republican you can be the LogCabin kind that tags themselves as a hated minority within their own party; or the closet kind that pretends to fit in. Some choose their party on economic principles ('against collectivism', said Eberle) and swallow some of the social issues.
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seventythree Donating Member (904 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 12:19 AM
Response to Reply #20
41. You can imagine the fear if they
are married to women as a cover. If Daily Kos is correct that Guckert's side business comes as a shock to those who brought him in the circle, there are probably plenty who fear the continued digging.
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madrchsod Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 09:21 AM
Response to Original message
12. very interesting.......
i`d say this writer certainly is pointing in the right directions. thru the years i have known several men who certainly play this game. they are so well respected that no one really knew they were homosexual and no one would believe that they were.
the whole sorrid affair is about sex and power.
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noamnety Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 10:41 AM
Response to Original message
14. Is Paul Dickerson related to F. Paul Dickerson?
There's an F. Paul Dickerson that worked for Bush Sr.


Despite knowing that the CCC Program for Iraq was being inflated to achieve foreign policy objectives, in testimony before the House Banking Committee in October 1990, the CCC's Paul Dickerson stated:

It (the CCC program for Iraq) was a market driven agriculture-related program without reference to other issues.

The USDA attempted more than once to keep the true nature of the CCC Program from public scrutiny.

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dooner Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 01:03 PM
Response to Original message
19. Enron connection to GOPUSA
GOP Board of Directors

Charlie Weldon -- Charlie is currently employed with Enron Corporation in Houston as an Associate. Various assignments at Enron include natural gas market research, commodity structuring, and natural gas trading. In 1995, Charlie became a Board member of the Weldon-Stacey-Blake Corporation and currently serves as Vice President. Responsibilities include corporate portfolio management, shareholder relations, and corporate financing activities.

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noamnety Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 03:23 PM
Response to Reply #19
34. "V." Charles Weldon
Edited on Sun Feb-20-05 03:26 PM by lwfern
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annabanana Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 02:43 PM
Response to Original message
27. This analysis "feel" right...It connects some dots
that I hadn't seen. Thank you for this insightful post. I am wondering about those who seem to "chose" the closet.. They are either operating within a segment of society where out is not an option, or there is some "plus for danger points" dynamic going on there.

All in all there is a ring of truth here.
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SpaceBuddy008 Donating Member (206 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 02:50 PM
Response to Original message
31. great ! thoughtFULL Report, Fired UP!!!! eMAIL to BIDEN????
He is calling for investigation

does he need to see this?

fax, email, eFax, hand-delivered letter

embolden BIDEN!!!!!!

my synergistic story that incorporates this magnificent thread and other at DU and Kos, including new name for scandal COMING

making sure it's comprehensive and entertaining & disinfo and shoddy FREE

stop the Havoc
Lay in the HamMock
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DU GrovelBot  Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 02:58 PM
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sarcasmo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 04:10 PM
Response to Original message
36. Great research and Great article, the reason I don't watch MSM anymore.
Our fellow DUERS do so much more research than any talking head on TV.
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notadmblnd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 04:46 PM
Response to Original message
37. his has been posted more than once Eberle met with Rove
bobby Eberle had met with with Karl Rove sometime that year. In a December 2003 USA Today article. I found this snip here /

(USA Today, December 30, 2003), Kathy Kiely writes:

In the past year:

*, a Web site run by Bobby Eberle, a Houston engineer with no previous journalism experience, scored an interview with President Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove.

Mr. Eberle is the CEO of and Talon News, Jeff Gannon's employer. He regularly writes on under the byline:

By Bobby Eberle
Talon News
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yurbud Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 04:47 PM
Response to Original message
38. First the blacks fight for our vote, now gays fight Bush hypocrisy
Goes to show there's some karma in fighting for civil rights for others--they repay the favor.
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nashville_brook Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 05:43 PM
Response to Original message
39. i thought about sending this PM, but it's something that could
help people have insight into this. unless you come from a background where you have experienced these things -- you wouldn't simply imagine this.

i was adopted by my grandparents. they had one of those marriages you spoke about. not the lavendar kind, the other one. where the wife wasn't "let in" on the truth. when she found out it was b/c my grandfather had lost the family estate to a "mortgage boy." he went from city councilman and professional man with considerable community pull, to refugee in northern florida in the course of a month.

that dirty tricks, politics and sexual intrigue travel together is not a hollywood myth. it's just the nature of the way things work.
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Carl Brennan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 06:29 PM
Response to Original message
40. Gays make good fascists
Edited on Sun Feb-20-05 06:31 PM by Carl Brennan
or at least some of them do. google "Ernst Roehm" head of Hitler's SA. What of the most violent of the lot and utterly contemptuous of anything to the left of his Fuerher.

This article sugarcoats when it doesn't avoid entirely the affinity some gays have for fascism as well as ignores the Log Cabin Republicans as an integral part of our fascist dictators party.

This is also telling:

The young men on the make are not teenagers. They are reasonably well educated and well groomed; in their late 20s, 30s, even 40s and are all hoping to find an older gentlemen who might "mentor" them.

The reason why $$$ is never discussed is because the true value of the John's fantasy is that this isn't just tawdry or naughty but that there is some sort of relationship developing. Somewhere along the line there'll be college "fees", medical bills, a car, a cruise, a fortnight in Aspen or the Hamptons. Or, of course, a job. You get the picture.

Anyway, if this was the ruse under which Gannon scored his Sugar Daddy, the Daddy may never have known about the websites and the hooking. Gannon might (as the fantasy required) have similarly fed him a long story. Didn't Gannon once say he had been living off "savings" - That sounds like a perfectly good way to disguise an illicit cash flow and may well have been the perfect line to feed his sugar daddy. It helped create the impression that Gannon really is one of the boys, one of the club. Well bred, wants to write, has savings or a trust fund. Sound political views. Bingo.

What the fuck kind of people have these kinds of relationships? The author seems to treat it like ho-hum. Pretty fucking warped if you ask me.
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seventythree Donating Member (904 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 12:26 AM
Response to Reply #40
42. No ,more warped than young women
hooking up with older men, it seems to me.
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 04:46 AM
Response to Reply #42
45. It's the secrecy. Not about being gay per se at all
Strip yourself of ALL your civil rights. Now, go to the QuickStop.

Let's stay on task, please.
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seventythree Donating Member (904 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 11:26 AM
Response to Reply #45
47. I don't disagree
I was responding to the last statement in the post above mine.
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 11:37 AM
Response to Reply #47
48. Sorry, I think I misplaced this. n/t
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crispini Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 12:31 PM
Response to Original message
49. Wow.
This snip says A LOT:

Well, I think we've touched on a Hot Potato issue, that, in fact, Gannon's indiscretion is running the risk of exposing the entire Velvet Mafia of Texas that rallied behind Bush's election strategy.
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Blower Donating Member (195 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 09:45 PM
Response to Reply #49
51. INDEED-who is getting blown...where...and when?
Edited on Mon Feb-21-05 09:45 PM by Blower
No pix pleez, unless they are hot.
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LiviaOlivia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 10:03 PM
Response to Reply #51
52. Oh yeah?
Edited on Mon Feb-21-05 10:26 PM by LiviaOlivia
I must say that you have really missed the point of this opinion piece. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of sites on the internet were you can find what you need/want.

Maybe you can answer this question:

Why isn't Ken Lay in jail?
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car54whereareyou Donating Member (60 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 09:04 PM
Response to Original message
50. Thanks for posting this, LiviaOlivia
the velvet mafia is now the latest buzzword!
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SpaceBuddy008 Donating Member (206 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 10:04 PM
Response to Reply #50
53. this site backs up DU's new wrinkle thread, has trusted links ALLsow

Here is a new wrinkle on the Gannongate story...

(Continued) "Here is a new wrinkle on the Gannongate story..."

FREEd Ohmmm! from DisInformation and macheRoviaNism is the goal

ferret the ParRoT s

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Karenina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-22-05 02:24 PM
Response to Reply #50
54. Kick!
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