"After millions of tax dollars were spent investigating how Halliburton ended up being awarded billions of dollar worth of no-bid contracts in Iraq, the Government Accounting Office determined that the company should never have been awarded the contracts in the first place. .....
According to the GAO's report, Rebuilding Iraq: Fiscal Year 2003 Contract Award Procedures and Management Challenges, contracts worth billions of dollars were awarded without full and open competition, including Halliburton’s oil infrastructure contract. The GAO found that the Bush Administration violated procurement law when it issued various task orders under existing contracts. Of the eleven task orders examined, more than half were awarded outside the scope of their contracts, according to the report....
Finally, during a March 11, 2004 hearing before the Government Reform Committee, six senior officials from the CPA and DOD testified under oath and were asked to answer the following question by Republican Committee Chairman Tom Davis:
“I want to get this on the record, and everybody is under oath. Have you or anyone in your office ever discussed with the Vice President or with his office the award of a contract for Iraqi reconstruction prior to any contract being awarded?”
Every single one of those six officials said “no sir,” which means every single one of them lied under oath. So how Cheney could pull this off? How could he get all these people to lie? I may not know how he did it, but the fact is he did it and nothing has been done about it."
We've said it before, but once more with feeling: