By Mary Pitt
<snip> The Democratic leadership just don't get it! Day after day, we hear them whine that we must become more Republican Lite in order to win. We should "move right" and be more conciliatory to our opponents if we want to earn more votes. In the Senate, our "leaders" bow to the will of the president in confirming the nominations of people who should not be allowed to serve in any capacity, but we hear the whine that "The President is entitled to have the people he wants to work with him". The House knuckles under to proposals to remove the only method by which the people can hold the feet of the corporate victimizers to the fire for their marketing of shoddy workmanship, defective products and dangerous drugs. </snip>
Mary Pitt is a septuagenarian Kansan who is self-employed and active in the political arena. Her concerns are her four-generation family and the continuance of the United States as a democracy with a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people".
Guess there might not be as much wrong with Kansas, as there iswith thecandidates we nominate, eh?