In today's Washington Post, Jim VandeHei (who must've read September 10's Mahablog) writes about the Democratic candidates who voted for the Iraq War resolution. These same guys also voted for the Patriot Act and No Child Left Behind, and Democrats want an explanation.
Kerry, Edwards, Lieberman and Gephardt contend that their votes for Bush's agenda took place in much different political climates and were predicated on their beliefs the president would carry out each initiative in a different manner than he has. In Iraq, they say, they believed he would work harder to win U.N. assistance. On the Patriot Act, they believed the administration would carefully protect citizens' privacy and civil rights. And on education, they believed Bush would fully fund the program. Moreover, a large number of congressional Democrats voted the same way they did. (Jim VandeHei, "Past Votes Dog Some Democratic Candidates," The Washington Post, September 12, 2003)
Let's be frank, fellas. You all made political calculations that you'd better go along with Patriot and with Iraq because otherwise the Right Wing would skewer you for being "obstructionist," and at the time the Ring Wing held all the political cards. (I don't blame you for No Child Left Behind; it got left behind because Bush underfunded it. That's his fault, not yours.)
But now it's pretty obvious that you made some really bad choices. And, it was obvious to a lot of your constituents at the time, as it was to some of your fellow legislators (Senator Byrd comes to mind). So, you got some 'splainin' to do.
So far you've all said that you think your votes were right but that the way the White House implemented the Patriot Act and war resolution was wrong. I don't buy that. On Iraq, you should at least have held out until the language of the resolution put specific limits and obligations on the White House to prevent Bush from going beyond the saber-rattling stage without real international support. And there's just no excuse for the Patriot Act.
Stop making excuses. You've got to repent. You've got to throw yourselves at our feet and beg our forgiveness. And you should weep and wail and admit you are weak and craven and sinful, but now you've seen the error of your ways.
Then, dry your tears (occasional sobs permitted) and tell us that it was dat ol' debbil Dick Cheney or maybe Karl Rove, or both, who tempted you onto the path of iniquity. You thought they could be trusted; you thought you could take them at their word. But once you sold your souls they betrayed you. They dissed the UN and citizens' rights, and now you see them for what they are.
Now, raise your voices and say, I have seen the face of evil! I once was lost, but now I'm found! Fool me twice, shame on Bush! If you're doing this right, your Party will respond with "Say it, brother!" and "Amen!"
Finally, clasp your hands in supplication and say, "I know I let you down, but if you'll give me another chance I promise I'll make you proud! I will heal America! I will lead it into the light of righteousness and honor and glory AMEN! And the crowds will stand, and cheer and holler and cry out, "We forgive you, bro'!" And maybe they will even dig down into their pockets and donate some money. Cue the choir!
On the other hand, "President Dean" does have a nice ring to it, don't you think?