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Will Durst on Bush Budget Priorities

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LibeMatt Donating Member (137 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-22-05 03:30 PM
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Will Durst on Bush Budget Priorities
Check out the whole thing on alternet at:

Here's how it boils down:

"*Tighter restrictions on Food Stamp eligibility so rich people can have more money.

*Federal Drug Administration inspection teams sacked so rich people can have more money.

*Highway and infrastructure improvement budgets slashed so rich people can have more money.

*An 11% reduction in Homeland Security funds available to state and local coordination efforts so rich people can have more money.

*$250 million cut from programs to train child care doctors and other health care professionals so rich people can have more money.

*Small Business Administration cut from $3.3 billion to $.6 billion so rich people can have more money.

*Increase on charges for Veterans Health Care so rich people can have more money.

*Cutting Federal Foster Care Programs so rich people can have more money.

*Cutting Medicaid and Medicare benefits so rich people can have more money.

*Ending community services block grants, a $637 million program that helps pay for community action agencies founded more than 35 years ago as part of the fight against poverty so rich people can have more money.

*Proposed cuts in aid to farmers, seniors, children, students, cops, veterans, the homeless, the hungry, the environment, Amtrak, AND the Center for Disease Control and Prevention so rich people can have more money.

*Gutting the low income home energy assistance program which is mostly used by the elderly. That's right friends, he's cutting winter heating subsidies to the elderly so rich people can have more money. What are we now: The Gorgar People? Let's just cut to the chase. You hit 65, we ship you to the Aleutian Islands and place you on an ice floe with matches and a pointy stick. If you a Republican, we take away the stick, because it's considered an entitlement. Did the political comic Will Durst mention most of these cuts are necessary to insure that rich people can have more money? Because he meant to mention most of these cuts are necessary to insure that rich people can have more money. And the poor less."
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