Edited on Fri Sep-12-03 01:47 PM by Charlls
The capitalist system has some rules called "free market", which allows 'dolars' to freely move through the system: this means that in sudden inbalance of the resources that feed the system, the system itself, represented in its more powerful layers, can react opportunely, drifting the whole system to a new 'economical equilibrium point'
On the other side, the democratic system (the current one) even if it has some rules called "free elections", 'votes' cannot move freely through the political system, just as was the case for the dolars in the economical system. People CANNOT WITHDRAW ITS VOTE right now, Politicians know this, and they know also that once they are elected, they have a 4 year span to do whatever they want, after all, since they represent the same economical layers the mainstream media does, this means that they can use those propaganda means, to even win a second 4 year term.
I see a electoral system where people can go any time of the year, and change their vote from a candidate to another; let it be a congressman, let it be the president. When that vote update occurs, the previous supported ca president. When that vote update occurs, the previous supported candidate drops by one, and the new supported increases by one.ndidate drops by one, and the new supported increases by one.
Vote support will drift dinamically, just as currently does Nasdaq, but now politicians would know, that is not enough to get power.
The most important part will be to keep it