A free press means you get what you pay for
Kevin Sesock
opinion columnist
Hypothesis: Nature abhors a vacuum. Corollary: Given a vacuum, nature allows the law of the jungle to reign. Application: Mainstream media has failed in its duties, creating a vacuum for activists to do something about it.
Like most things on the Internet, blogging has begun to take its real-life counterpart by storm. A conservative-leaning “reporter” Jeff Gannon, a.k.a. James Guckert was investigated by Americablog.
Later, it was revealed he is a gay prostitute.
The story was also commented on by Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show.” Specifically, Jon Stewart, our hero in fake news has taken a chance at blasting the mainstream media for not only failing to dig deep enough to find this information, but also their response in calling bloggers unmanaged, unedited and untrustworthy.