Yes I noticed the Gluckert typo. vs. ‘faggots’ Being gay is a conscious choice. But ‘faggots’ are cowards who don’t come out unless forced — like Jeff Gannon.
By Mickey Weems
Friday, February 25, 2005
I’m amazed at how quickly people can change overnight. Jeff “white male Christian gun-toting anti-gay Republican journalist” Gannon is transformed before our very eyes into Jim “HotMilitaryStud gay escort shill” Gluckert.
I’m not buying it. Gannon/Gluckert is not gay. He is nothing but a faggot.
Let me explain the difference.
Being gay is the result of a conscious choice. It is the decision to accept one’s same-sex orientation and a willingness to stand with others who have done the same thing. “Gay” means joining the gay community without shame.
Not so for the faggot. Same-sex desire is wrong, therefore one’s same-sex orientation must be extinguished. If this is not possible, then desire must be hidden to protect all those nice straight people who would be offended by it. Shame is the only proper moral response.
complete editorial: