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Losing in Iraq; a Material Necessity.

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reprehensor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-26-05 09:29 PM
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Losing in Iraq; a Material Necessity.
The U.S. Will Lose the War in Iraq -- Material Necessity and Divining What is True

"The United States needs to lose the war in Iraq as soon as possible. Even more urgently, the whole world needs the United States to lose the war in Iraq. What is at stake now is the way we run the world for the next generation or more, and really bad things will happen if we get it wrong" (Gwynne Dyer, Future Tense: The Coming World Order, McClelland & Stewart, ISBN: 0771029780, 2005).

February 25, 2005 -- As challenging as this statement must seem to religiously patriotic people, it can be even further extended by saying that the United States WILL lose the war in Iraq and the war on "evil" and terrorism in the world. This is not meant to imply that "evil" and terrorism will prevail. It is meant to imply that a good fight requires two belligerents and that it will be the people who ultimately prevail, not U.S. capitalism and not Islamic terrorism.

Under the administration of George W. Bush, of course, the U.S. will get it wrong. Of that, the world can be certain, simply because the Bush administration hasn't gotten anything right yet, not on the domestic front or on the global front. Major events in cultural evolution are "set," determined by preceding events and our interpretation of those events and their causation. Isaac Newton was not inevitable. But the discovery of deductive thought in moving up from Greek inductive thought was inevitable.


By basing arguments in "material necessity," Gwynne Dyer has overtly arrived at conclusions that are necessarily and ultimately true. In other words, it is possible to discuss WHY the U.S. WILL lose Bush's religious war on terrorism as manifest vengefully in Afghanistan and preemptively in Iraq. The probability that the Bush administration will take additional self-righteous, belligerent and immoral action on the world stage is the practical equivalent of one. The probability that the Bush administration will wake up to the people and the values of democracy is the practical equivalent of zero. By its own admission, Bush's religious capitalism is doing God's work (even for the Europeans) and, in doing so, it perceives itself infallible (Richard Dunham, Bush Sticks to his Guns, Der Spiegel, February 21, 2005).

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ktowntennesseedem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-26-05 09:51 PM
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1. If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times...
We need something bad to happen soon, that's the only way it will shock enough people out of their apathy into making a change. Things WILL get worse, and bad things will continue to happen, but if they come about gradually and slowly, those idiots who voted Chimp in for round-two will continue to be deaf, blind and numb to the problems he and his misguided administration are causing for our country and the world. If something as big and bad as clearly losing the war doesn't happen soon, it might be too late by the time enough people realize we have a serious problem on our hands.
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EVDebs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-26-05 09:55 PM
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2. The only way to beat the insurgents is to get the Iraqis to do it for you
and they only way to do that is to get out of there and let them have a civil war...the insurgents will be the first ones on ice. The Sunnis will make their eventual deal with the Shiites and maybe the US will be INVITED back in someday...
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teryang Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-26-05 10:19 PM
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3. It is the next war or expansion of the war's fronts
...that will have to occur to bring on the crisis and the international reaction to begin the process which undermines the regime of defense contractors, oil companies and their corporatist cronies.
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cliss Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-26-05 10:32 PM
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4. Very nice.
Thank you for posting.

The article sums up in a logical way what we all know to be true. The US NEEDS to lose the war in Iraq. And it will. Like the author writes it's simply unsustainable and impossible to keep this up for very long.

There's no other option. And this is a good thing. Just think, Iraq was only Bus stop #1 on a long list of must-do's while we Rule The World. It was only the first venue, and we've failed miserable there. Of course, don't let a little failure sto the PNAC.

They're looking over the horizon and seeing Iran (with possible the world's #1 oil supply, not Saudi Arabia). They want to go in and make it a puppet state, never mind that we don't have the man power. Let it never be said that they're not ambitious.

The rest of the world knows what's happening. Stan Goff writes that the other countries are watching intently, scrambling for position when we topple.

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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-26-05 11:27 PM
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5. Very interesting. It took great courage to write this...
great courage...:thumbsup:
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applegrove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-26-05 11:39 PM
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6. I read the whole book. An excellent read. I do not agree with everything
he said. I agree that Bush & co. need the wind knocked out of them. But I think if you let Iraq go to the 'dogs' you would be just hurting Iraqis at this point. When Mr. Dwyer wrote the book it was quite possible that Kerry was about to win the election. Kerry didn't. The whole world is stuck with Bush and that means we have to put up with him. Half your country elected him. We all have to live with it.

The West is not going to allow Iraq to go down the tubes (not this year at least). And they should not. You cannot leave the Iraqis again - without the army to fight for their democracy. Bush Sr. encouraged revolt in Iraq and then never backed them up. People have been fighting for freedom in Iraq for 30 years (the US has been against Saddam for only 15).

Nobody is going to let those people fall into mayhem. Give them two years and an army trained really well and then you walk away.

As angry as we are, as much as we want the truth about Bush to be posted everywhere ... you do not sacrifice the lives of others to make your point. That would make you a neocon.

Bush has already lost respect around the world. The school on his psychological disorders and those of his pals are open and much will be written in the next decade. Bush likely had a chance to get Saddam to agree to stepping down - but he skipped that. Taliban was willing to hand bin Ladden over to him - he refused that offer. It will all come out. But the security of the Middle East has to happen first. Then the books 'hunger’ for get written. The truth comes out.
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Igel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-27-05 10:40 AM
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7. We needed to lose the war in Vietnam.
The world needed the reeducation camps, the boat people, the infants dying in camps, those that had collaborated with the government that the north had signed a treaty with just being executed. The elderly left behind, the Hmong that were persecuted, the highlanders that are being persecuted for being Xian and not Viet.

Oh, but this was after we were gone, wasn't it?

I'm sick of calls for human sacrifice. Especially when it's other people's lives being sacrificed.

Iraq needs to win the war. We don't need to lose it.

Unless, of course, your concern isn't Iraq, but humiliating Bush.
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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-27-05 12:43 PM
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8. Excellent piece, thanks.
Right on the money.
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