http://www.nytimes.com/2005/02/27/opinion/27friedman.html?hp>In the Times today and on c-span this am, a new neo-con phrase has been introduced, i.e. The Iraqi election is a "tipping point." This is another coverup that needs to be debunked by using our own frame of reference.
My answer to Mr. Friedman's logic on this "sound bite" philosophy.
February 27, 2005 (#21091 of 21092)
What is a tipping point?<
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/02/27/opinion/27friedman.html?hp>Using a popular phrase to explain a complex situation is the usual black and white approach to human problems served up by the right. They opine, if only there is some basic trapping of representative government, then democracy should suddenly blossom full-blown from somebody's head. However, look at the means used to bring Iraq to this point and the means it will take to preserve it. Is this truly a prescription for desirable survival? In Mr. F's world, the majority must rule(no attention to minority rights), kill off the opposition("insurgents"), and keep our military handy in someone else's soverign territory. This sounds more like a recipe for continued conflict, not a "roadmap to peace."
Remember it was the Iraqis who called for this election over the US's objections. Further it was the UN who provided the technical assistance to carry out this election under very difficult circumstances. In the meantime with continued violence prompted by US military, people and infrastructure continue to be destroyed. Which do you want to achieve a working society--neanderthal tactics or representative reasoning? Which do you truly believe Mr. Bush and Co. represents?