Coup Plot to Remove López Obrador from Mexican Presidential Contest Is Imploding from the Bottom Up
A fresh wind is blowing South of the Border, and its name is authentic democracy. During ten days in February 2005 the direction of the wind has changed. It was blowing from above. Now it gusts from below.
Ten days ago, leading members of all three major political parties in Mexico were whispering that the “desafuero” – a proposal before Congress to remove the rights of Mexico City Governor Andrés Manuel López Obrador to run for president in 2006 – was a done deal. They universally proclaimed – some arrogantly, some in panic – that the maneuver was a fait accompli.
But to hear the wind from below gather force, you must listen very carefully. When Narco News reported on February 13th that “an unprecedented public revolt” was in the works in Mexico as a response to the anti-democracy maneuver, eyebrows were raised in the international control rooms of the Commercial Media and stomachs winced in some halls of power. They may not like us (in fact, they may really hate us) but they know that our ear is turned to the underground rumbles that pass unheard in their electronically sealed cubicles. The sound of the wind from below gathering force goes under the heads of those with their focus on the stratospheres of power. It’s the ear to the ground that hears the wind assemble.
That wonderful, whirling sound, the wind from below, is back. It makes them queasy when we say that because when we’ve declared that the wind is about to blow… well, it howls, every time, at hurricane force.
Such is the immediate history of the past ten days in Mexico.
The real story is that Mexico has changed. It’s no longer just a stupid slogan mouthed by simulators of “change.” Mexico has changed because the conscience of its Civil Society has grown, the fear that kept the status quo in place for so long has dissipated, and the people are ready to do anything, to take any risk, to preserve their path to authentic democracy.
Ten Days that Shook an Assumption
read on to see how the Mexican people are fighting back.
fighting back is a life saving option