Strong words from Jimmy Breslin at
To the Justice Department of John Ashcroft, John McNicholl is a lifelong criminal. He also is a Catholic, and I almost never waste my time pointing this out, but in matters with John Ashcroft, I believe that his psalm-singing, right-wing, country-road religion leaves him somewhat suspicious of Catholics, if not more.
"I got talking to him," she was saying on Friday night. "They had him in chains. Here is a man who worked for eight years and used his own name and lived in the same place with his family. He worked every hour they gave him. And they have him in chains."
When she left, they took McNicholl out of the place and deported him to Ireland without telling her.
That this American government of bigots from the Low IQ states can run over our Bill of Rights, grabbing somebody with no warning in the dark hours, is a terrorist act by psalm-singers. The only way to defend yourself is to vote them out. Those who don't are fans of fascism.