The chickenshit says we shouldn't make too much out of it, but wastes a whole column on the nonsense.
He's also too chickenshit to say something positive about Sharpton without immediately qualifying it.
So one should not draw too many conclusions from the performance of the nine Democrats who met in Baltimore last week.
The only candidate who knew how to deal with this unprogrammed event -- the only one who figured out how to profit from it -- was, believe it or not, Al Sharpton.
That doesn't erase the many liabilities he brings into the contest, but it does show he has a quality people crave in a president -- the ability to take charge of a situation. Democrats must wonder how to graft that leadership gene onto the others.
The take-command reflex is a mighty useful trait when you are hoping to run against the commander in chief. That Sharpton is the only Democrat to display it does not augur well for the party's chances.