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Robert Scheer-When Corrections Need Correcting

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LoneStarLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-18-03 08:14 AM
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Robert Scheer-When Corrections Need Correcting

The best piece I've seen to date regarding the rhetorical peacock dance of the Bush administration. I was sorely tempted to post this to several of the GD and LBN threads where there is excessive foaming at the mouth over this topic and what it means. Below are some exerpts:

"The pattern is clear: Say what you want people to believe for the front page and on TV, then whisper a halfhearted correction or apology that slips under the radar. It is really quite ingenious in its cynical effectiveness, and Wolfowitz's latest performance is a classic example: Even his correction needs correcting."

"Last week, a Washington Post poll showed that 60 percent of the American people opposed the president's plan to throw $87 billion more into this quagmire, on top of the $79 billion budgeted already. Perhaps, like people blinking in the sun after a long hibernation, Americans are finally awakening to the stupid and craven things being done in the name of our protection."

One thing that Scheer's piece does that many folks here at DU and Democratic activists nation-wide could learn from is to utilize careful, concise documentation of what was said then versus what is being re-stated now. While it is very tempting to get your blood pressure up over how cynically this administration has manipulated its position in American society to pump us full of lies and partial truths, maniacal finger-pointing and formulating conspiracy theories to those who are not as politically-motivated as we here at DU are is a sure way to reify every Republican and conservative stereotype of the wild-eyed, raving liberal. In short it makes it that much easier to write us and our ideas off when you live down to the easy stereotype so much of America has about us and our ideas.

This is one of those times that demands the best we have; NO manipulation of rhetoric, concise communication, passion but not mania, and evidence, evidence, and more evidence.
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gratuitous Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-18-03 09:53 AM
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1. Nicely said
As well as cunning use of a great word, "reify."

Your point is well taken: We don't need to turn the entire nation into model DU posters. All we want is their vote, and by patiently pointing out the differences between Bush administration rhetoric and reality, using evidence and facts, it should be sufficient to move people off the Bush bandwagon. Once they take a good look at the incredible, deadly blunders this bunch has committed, we can work on gaining more support for the Democrats.

We have 14 months, which is a very short time by some reckoning, but is enough time to turn a substantial portion of the electorate away from the Dim Son.
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