The groundwork for the next "preemptive" war is being laid, and Justin Raimondo exposes it here with important information and good links:It would be funny if it wasn't so ominous. Remember those "weapons of mass destruction" the Iraqis were supposed to be holding, poised to strike us at any moment? Yeah, that's right, the ones that turned out to not exist – or were destroyed after Gulf War I. Or something. Well, anyway, it turns out they aren't missing, after all – they were spirited over the border to Syria! Honest! Cross my heart and hope to die. If you don't believe me, just ask John Bolton, undersecretary of state for arms control. Testifying before the House International Relations subcommittee, Bolton said the United States sees such reports "as cause for concern," although they haven't been confirmed. "We are continuing," he averred, "to seek conclusive evidence": the U.S. has raised the issue with the Syrians "on numerous occasions."
Bolton – a key figure in the neocon clique that lied us into war with Iraq – drew up a familiar indictment: the Syrians are assembling "weapons of mass destruction," sponsoring terrorism, and are even suspected of secretly building nukes. In short, the same accusations that turned out to be lies last time around, this time are leveled at Damascus, with the extra added twist that the Syrians are supposedly encouraging foreign volunteers to cross the border into Iraq to fight the occupation forces.
Readers of this story in the Forward will remember that Bolton was supposed to have testified in July, but the CIA and the State Department objected: in their view, the same people who gave us the Niger uranium forgery didn't deserve an encore. Bolton's assertions were reportedly debunked in a 38-page internal memo, and his testimony was delayed. Now the Energizer Warmonger has popped up again, spouting "intelligence" that has already been vetted and found wanting. What is going on here?
What we are witnessing is the culmination of a strategy clearly outlined in a 1996 paper prepared for the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, entitled "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm." This was a collaborative effort by Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser – a good number of whom are now ensconced in high positions in this administration. The paper outlined for then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a new Israeli strategic vision that would not only rid the Israelis of their Palestinian problem, but give them "breathing space" and revitalize the Zionist dream of a Greater Israel:
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