Check out the Chicago Sun-Times article today,
"Clark may have picked wrong battle" people are so Hillary-phobic it's pitiful.)
As Wesley Clark plunges into the campaign for the Democratic president nomination, he would be wise to recall the warning of a shrewd Roman historian. Tacitus wrote of a gifted but disastrous political leader: "Capax imperii nisi imperasset." This crabbed Latin judgment is famously hard to translate but its rough meaning goes: "He would have made a very fine emperor if, poor fellow, he had not actually become emperor."
Clark's final drawback is the apparent backing he has received from the Clintons and their political apparatus. Former Clinton advisers surround him, and favorable comments on his campaign have been leaked from their eyrie in New York.
But if bad things happen to enemies of the Clintons, worse things happen to their friends--Kathleen Willey got groped in the course of being "comforted" in her widow's grief, and Webb Hubbell, Jim and Susan MacDougall, and former Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker all went to jail,
Probably Clark will not go to prison or be groped. If President Bush looks vulnerable in early 2004, however, no one will be surprised if Clark ends up with a purely decorative vice presidential nomination and
a look of glazed surprise on his face as his top campaign aides cluster around the Democratic party's surprise nominee, Hillary Rodham Clinton. And something similar in 2008 if the GOP wins this round. If Clark thought that Milosevic was a formidable foe, he is about to learn the far more ruthless tactics of Political Warfare 101.