"Many have commented since Tuesday that the Watergate era was an extraordinary time. It was. But it was not uniquely extraordinary; there is no less need today for high-level insiders to value truth over political expediency, to counter disingenuous spin -- or outright lies -- with facts and figures, dates and details. What Felt did, and what men and women of integrity must always do, is put the nation's highest ideals over the narrower interests of a particular administration, party or person....
On Tuesday, Colson, G. Gordon Liddy and Patrick Buchanan all expressed disapproval of Felt's role, with Buchanan calling him "a traitor." To that sort of talk, a Star Tribune reader (whose letter appears on this page today), had a succinct and important rejoinder: "Facts matter: President Nixon committed crimes. ... Felt and the others who stood up against the Nixon administration's abuse of power saved our country during a very dark period in our history."