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Bases, Bases Everywhere

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norml Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-02-05 12:15 AM
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Bases, Bases Everywhere
Bases, Bases Everywhere
by Tom Engelhardt
Tom Dispatch
The last few weeks have been base-heavy ones in the news. The Pentagon's provisional Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) list, the first in a decade, was published to domestic screams of pain. It represents, according to the Washington Post, "a sweeping plan to close or reduce forces at 62 major bases and nearly 800 minor facilities" in the United States. The military is to be reorganized at home around huge, multi-force "hub bases" from which the Pentagon, in the fashion of a corporate conglomerate, hopes to "reap economies of scale." This was front-page news for days as politicians and communities from Connecticut (the U.S. Naval Submarine Base in Groton) and New Jersey (Fort Monmouth) to South Dakota (Ellsworth Air Force Base) cried bloody murder over the potential loss of jobs and threatened to fight to the death to prevent their specific base or set of bases (but not anyone else's) from closing – after all, those workers had been the most productive and patriotic around. These closings – and their potentially devastating effects on communities – were a reminder (though seldom dealt with that way in the media) of just how deeply the Pentagon has dug itself into the infrastructure of our nation. With over 6,000 military bases in the U.S., we are in some ways a vast military camp.

But while politicians screamed locally, Donald Rumsfeld's Pentagon never thinks less than globally; and, if you throw in the militarization of space, sometimes even the global has proven too small a framework for its presiding officials. For them, the BRAC plans are just one piece of a larger puzzle that involves the projection of American power into the distant lands that most concern us. After all, as Chalmers Johnson has calculated in his book, The Sorrows of Empire, our global Baseworld already consists of at least 700 military and intelligence bases; possibly – depending on how you count them up – many more. Under Rumsfeld's organizational eye, such bases have been pushed ever further into the previously off-limits "near abroad" of the former Soviet Union (where we now probably have more bases than the Russians do) and ever deeper into the Middle Eastern and Caspian oil heartlands of the planet.

The Bush administration's fierce focus on and interest in reconfigured, stripped-down, ever more forward systems of bases and an ever more powerfully poised military "footprint" stands in inverse proportion to press coverage of it. To the present occupants of the Pentagon, bases are the equivalent of imperial America's lifeblood, yet basing policy abroad has, in recent years, been of next to no interest to the mainstream media.

Strategic Ally

Just in recent weeks, however, starting with the uproar over the economic pain BRAC will impose (along with the economic gain for those "hubs"), bases have returned to public consciousness in at least a modest way. This month, for instance, the Overseas Basing Commission released a report to the president and Congress on the "reconfiguration of the American military overseas basing structure in the post-Cold War and post-September 11 era." The report created a minor flap by criticizing the Pentagon for its overly ambitious global redeployment plans at a time when "ervice budgets are not robust enough to execute the repositioning of forces, build the facilities necessary to accommodate the forces, build the expanding facilities at new locations."

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norml Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-02-05 04:43 PM
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1. Web Results 1 - 10 of about 12,600,000 for iraq bases. (0.07 seconds)
Web Results 1 - 10 of about 12,600,000 for iraq bases. (0.07 seconds)
Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search"

US bases in Iraq: sticky politics, hard math |
'Enduring' bases suggest a planned indefinite stay on Iraqi soil that will cost
US taxpayers for years. - 58k - May 31, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

Iraq Facilities
Military. Iraq Facilities. Introduction. Camps, Forward Operating Bases,
Other Nomenclature. Air Bases and Airports. Camp Adder ... - 34k - May 31, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

14 `enduring bases' set in Iraq is the leading source for reliable news and security information,
directed by John Pike. news/2004/040323-enduring-bases.htm - 10k - Cached - Similar pages

IRAQ-US: Is It the Bases?
... is its determination to build permanent military bases in Iraq, bases that it
... as many as four military bases in Iraq for an extended period of time, ... - 26k - Cached - Similar pages

US To Consolidate Iraq Bases
... plans to consolidate its forces in Iraq onto four big air bases as Washington
... in Iraq and that no timetable exists for turning over all US bases in ... 0,13319,FL_iraq_052405,00.html? - 26k - Cached - Similar pages

US plans pullback to four Iraq bases - World -
US military commanders plan to pull back their troops from Iraq's towns and cities
and redeploy them in four giant bases in a strategy they say is a prelude ... US-plans-pullback-to-four-Iraq-bases/2005/05/23/1116700649573.html - Similar pages - US plans pullback to four Iraq bases
... from Iraq's towns and cities and redeploy them in four giant bases in a ...
100 bases that have been occupied by US-led multinational forces since Iraq ... 2005/05/23/1116700649573.html - 6k - Jun 1, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

US Re-Examines Security at Iraq Bases
... US Re-Examines Security at Iraq Bases. NewsMax Wires Thursday, Dec. ...
BAGHDAD, Iraq -- The US military was re-examining security measures at bases ... articles/2004/12/23/71558.shtml - 30k - Cached - Similar pages

BBC NEWS | Middle East | US denies Iraq bases plan
The Bush administration denies reports it is planning a long-term military
relationship with post-war Iraq, including military bases. - 38k - Cached - Similar pages

IMC Colorado: US Gels Iraq Bases
... Commanders Plan Eventual Consolidation of US Bases in Iraq ... trailers and
tin-sheathed buildings that have become the norm at bigger US bases in Iraq. ... - 21k - Cached - Similar pages
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