"that painful, free-market economic reforms are the only path toward rejuvenation, more jobs, better futures"
" if the political elites and most economists are right in saying that free-market reforms..." (from the article)
The European think-tanks, politicians, corporations, corporate media and all of their whores are trying desperate to brainwash Europeans for many years now day by day with that Bullsh*t. The logic is really convincing and deserves nobel-propaganda-prizes: we crash social security, health-care, we introduce lower-wages, prolonge working hours (their masterweapon against Unemployment, smash the unions, smash the pensions and after all of this did happen, "we" will be happily ever after!
You cannot turn your T.V. or Radio on without hearing some idiots talking of "necessary reforms" - while reforms ones did stand for a peacefull instead of a revolutionary transition from capitalism to a more democratic and social just society, it now means exact the opposite. Like the conservatives in the US have become "Revolutionaries", the same is true for the european neoliberals. It's funny that in Germany 19 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, we have a one-party-system again: the United Neoliberal Party with green, black and red shirts.