nothing new, but a very eloquent rant...
At this very moment is actively dumping the moral equivalent of mercury into our public discourse by lying to us about what is happening on almost every front you can imagine but especially in Iraq. You can hear the steady tap of Deception’s hammer chipping away at the truth with the quiet intensity of a nation of ants trying to move a mountain.
You probably don’t know this but we are not at war in Iraq with Iraqis. We are engaged in an occupation, they are engaged in a civil war, corporations are engaged in the systematic looting of anything not nailed down and we are at war with ourselves here at home. The primary reason why things have gotten so out of hand is that the Bush administration lies like a pathological Persian rug, and at this point I would kill to be up a creek without a paddle instead of in the creek, fighting off piranha the size of pit bulls, without a paddle. What we have done in Iraq embarrasses Satan on his best day at the office.
Executive Order 13303 allowed us to lay claim to all of the country’s assets, the Law of Administration basically says that an Iraqi has no right which an American is bound to respect and the implementation of the El Salvador Option puts U.S.-trained death squads on the ground to finish the work started by our devil’s bargain with the Badr Brigade. So now whenever anyone dies in Iraq, there is no way of knowing how culpable we might be.
If any of this sounds like an idea hatched by idiots and deployed by morons, just remember that when George Bush ran for president in 2000 we thought he might be too dumb for the damn job and it turns out we were right. It’s as if the Pentagon’s Office of Strategic Influence, whose job it was to lie to us, is actually functioning, and it feels like Deception’s hammer is banging away at our nation’s moral bedrock with the demonic ferocity of a jackhammer.