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Kerry brings the fight to the Berkshires

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paineinthearse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-03-05 06:59 AM
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Kerry brings the fight to the Berkshires
Edited on Fri Jun-03-05 07:11 AM by paineinthearse

Article Last Updated: 6/03/2005 03:06 AM

Kerry brings the fight to the Berkshires

Berkshire Eagle

A ferociously contested and often ugly presidential campaign capped by a tough loss in November clearly took a lot out of Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, as it did his home state voters, who decisively backed the Democrat. It was a sober Kerry who reflected upon that loss Thursday but an energized one who spoke about Berkshire issues, specially the TRIO program at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and the Upper Housatonic Valley preservation area. That energy and enthusiasm are encouraging for a section of the state that can be forgiven for feeling neglected by Boston and Washington. Senator Kerry hadn't been seen in a while in these parts, which he attributed in an interview with Eagle editors and staffers yesterday to both the presidential campaign and the need to help campaign workers make the transition to new jobs. The senator clearly enjoys the national spotlight as well and wants to put whatever influence he gained during his run for the presidency to good use. That is all well and good, but Thursday Mr. Kerry also acknowledged the importance of Berkshire issues that won't attract notice outside of the county and indicated he was ready and willing to pitch in.

The TRIO program helps students who come from low-income families in which neither parent graduated from college, and with higher education and low-income Americans not on the White House radar, programs like this need influential Senate advocates. Designation of the Upper Housatonic Valley as a national historic preservation area would inject $10 million into a chunk of the Housatonic River corridor poised to take advantage of an increased regional emphasis on cultural tourism. In his talk with the Eagle, Mr. Kerry emphasized the need for the Berkshires to better define and market itself as a destination spot, and the Upper Housatonic Valley project would certainly be a part of that effort.

Regrettably, worthy programs like these are jeopardized by a White House that is fixated on tax cuts for the wealthy above all else and uses the mammoth budget deficit it has irresponsibly built as an excuse for eliminating or reducing funding for local projects. As Senator Kerry told his audience at the Berkshire Museum yesterday, this is indeed a "values choice," and the impact Washington policy can have on specific Berkshire projects is a reminder of how much the region needs its advocates in Washington. The Democratic Party lost the "values" debate in the last campaign because, as the senator pointed out, it allowed the right to narrowly define the term. Environmental protection and programs for the poor are values choices too, as is stem cell research, which is moving forward in Massachusetts at the same time it is bogged down in religious posturing in Washington. "We have to ask, 'whose morality is it," the senator told the Eagle Thursday. "I believe that embryonic stem cell research, when it is used for therapeutic reasons, is pro-life."

The senator seemed wistful, if not mournful, when he reflected upon a presidential campaign where the values issue was exploited cynically and fear was allowed to trump hope and optimism. It was an opportunity lost, which much of the nation is realizing as the Bush administration and the congressional leadership tie themselves in theological and economic knots, paralyzing government in the process. This creates a vacuum to be filled by others, and Senator Kerry, judging from his thoughtful remarks yesterday..., is ready to move into the vacuum, now that the presidential campaign is behind him. Senator Kerry said he is a long way from deciding whether or not he will run for president again in 2008, and The Eagle believes the example set by Senator Edward Kennedy, who followed up an unsuccessful run for president by becoming one of the nation's most effective and respected senators, is a good one for the junior senator to follow. The TRIO and Upper Housatonic Valley initiatives offer a reminder that modest local programs are at the mercy of national politics. John Kerry has the knowledge, skills, experience and "values" to provide an alternative to craven, special interest politics, and the Berkshires will certainly welcome his help.

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SHRED Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-03-05 07:03 AM
Response to Original message
1. "Kerry brings the fight..."
Why is he always late on the draw?

Sorry but I found him a huge disappointment as a presidential canidate. But I blame the corporate whore media most of all.
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paineinthearse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-03-05 07:10 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Don't shoot the messenger
Blame the headline writer.
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SHRED Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-03-05 07:34 AM
Response to Reply #2
4. The messenger(candidate)...
Edited on Fri Jun-03-05 07:34 AM by SHRED
needs to have the articulated fire of Dean, the message of Kucinich, and the looks of Edwards.
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skylarmae Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-03-05 07:13 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. amen!
new and fresh is what we need.....oh yeah, and vicious.
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Mairead Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-03-05 08:32 AM
Response to Original message
5. He's been an increasing disappointment for awhile now.
I helped put the guy into office in '84 because of his VVAW record, and helped keep him there til '02, but the best I was able to say for him is that he'd become a fairly harmless empty suit.

Then he voted for the IWR despite pleas from over 25K people in Mass.

And as tho that weren't enough, he then turned his back and walked away before the votes were even counted last November, let alone before the allegations of fraud were sorted. The rigging was so bad in Ohio that Dennis Kucinich, normally the very body and soul of civility, was hardly able to restrain himself from calling Blackwell a criminal the next morning. But Kerry saw no problem with walking away.

Many apologists for Kerry have tried to alibi his sellout by handwaving some 'secret plan' or some 'threat to his life', but if they're sincere then they need to grow up, and if they're not then they need to shut up.

Like his DLC co-conspirators, Kerry is not on our side--if ever he was. Only his mouth claims he is, and it lies. That's the bottom line.
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paineinthearse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-03-05 01:03 PM
Response to Original message
6. Kerry brings the fight to the Berkshires

Article Last Updated: 6/03/2005 03:06 AM

Kerry brings the fight to the Berkshires

Berkshire Eagle

A ferociously contested and often ugly presidential campaign capped by a tough loss in November clearly took a lot out of Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, as it did his home state voters, who decisively backed the Democrat. It was a sober Kerry who reflected upon that loss Thursday but an energized one who spoke about Berkshire issues, specially the TRIO program at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and the Upper Housatonic Valley preservation area. That energy and enthusiasm are encouraging for a section of the state that can be forgiven for feeling neglected by Boston and Washington. Senator Kerry hadn't been seen in a while in these parts, which he attributed in an interview with Eagle editors and staffers yesterday to both the presidential campaign and the need to help campaign workers make the transition to new jobs. The senator clearly enjoys the national spotlight as well and wants to put whatever influence he gained during his run for the presidency to good use. That is all well and good, but Thursday Mr. Kerry also acknowledged the importance of Berkshire issues that won't attract notice outside of the county and indicated he was ready and willing to pitch in.

The TRIO program helps students who come from low-income families in which neither parent graduated from college, and with higher education and low-income Americans not on the White House radar, programs like this need influential Senate advocates. Designation of the Upper Housatonic Valley as a national historic preservation area would inject $10 million into a chunk of the Housatonic River corridor poised to take advantage of an increased regional emphasis on cultural tourism. In his talk with the Eagle, Mr. Kerry emphasized the need for the Berkshires to better define and market itself as a destination spot, and the Upper Housatonic Valley project would certainly be a part of that effort.

Regrettably, worthy programs like these are jeopardized by a White House that is fixated on tax cuts for the wealthy above all else and uses the mammoth budget deficit it has irresponsibly built as an excuse for eliminating or reducing funding for local projects. As Senator Kerry told his audience at the Berkshire Museum yesterday, this is indeed a "values choice," and the impact Washington policy can have on specific Berkshire projects is a reminder of how much the region needs its advocates in Washington. The Democratic Party lost the "values" debate in the last campaign because, as the senator pointed out, it allowed the right to narrowly define the term. Environmental protection and programs for the poor are values choices too, as is stem cell research, which is moving forward in Massachusetts at the same time it is bogged down in religious posturing in Washington. "We have to ask, 'whose morality is it," the senator told the Eagle Thursday. "I believe that embryonic stem cell research, when it is used for therapeutic reasons, is pro-life."

The senator seemed wistful, if not mournful, when he reflected upon a presidential campaign where the values issue was exploited cynically and fear was allowed to trump hope and optimism. It was an opportunity lost, which much of the nation is realizing as the Bush administration and the congressional leadership tie themselves in theological and economic knots, paralyzing government in the process. This creates a vacuum to be filled by others, and Senator Kerry, judging from his thoughtful remarks yesterday..., is ready to move into the vacuum, now that the presidential campaign is behind him. Senator Kerry said he is a long way from deciding whether or not he will run for president again in 2008, and The Eagle believes the example set by Senator Edward Kennedy, who followed up an unsuccessful run for president by becoming one of the nation's most effective and respected senators, is a good one for the junior senator to follow. The TRIO and Upper Housatonic Valley initiatives offer a reminder that modest local programs are at the mercy of national politics. John Kerry has the knowledge, skills, experience and "values" to provide an alternative to craven, special interest politics, and the Berkshires will certainly welcome his help.

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MeDeMax Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-03-05 01:03 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. keep doin it John...n/t
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